douluogu8713 2017-10-16 12:51
浏览 34

TYPO3 BE刷新登录方法

I have created my own simple plugin, that authenticates backend users with my remote server:

TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::addService($_EXTKEY, 'auth', \My\Hooks\MyAuthService::class, [
    'title' => 'MY-Authentication',
    'description' => 'My Authentication service (FE and BE).',
    'subtype' => 'getUserBE,authUserBE',
    'available' => 1,
    'priority' => 60,
    'quality' => 60,
    'os' => '',
    'exec' => '',
    'className' => \My\Hooks\MyAuthService::class

But I didn't know that TYPO3 has a "Refresh Login" screen option:

enter image description here

I noticed, that on submit, it calls:


But what Service/Method does this ajax call?

Does it use the same authentication service I have already defined? If so, what is the specific method it uses?

A link to the correct manual will suffice also.

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  • douhu2131 2017-10-16 13:57

    I can't find the exact position of this script, but found the corresponding JavaScript file. Maybe this helps:

    But I'm pretty sure that it uses all registered login services.

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