dtmjl4427 2016-10-11 21:56
浏览 220

Laravel 5 - 如何为raravel数组添加多个参数以进行数据库插入?

I have an array of 3 companies, which need to be inserted into the db but with 2 additional parameters added to them.

$companyList = [{"name": "apple", "founder": "steve"},
                {"name": "google", "founder": "larry"},
                {"name": "facebook", "founder": "mark"},

Need to append these 2 parameters for each company (issue is in this step):

$companyListFinal = [];
foreach ($companyList as $company) {
  $companyListFinal[] = array_add($company,['keyAppend1' => 'key 1 appended',
                                            'keyAppend2' => 'key 2 appended'];

The final step is to insert the company list with the appended values into the DB:


I can't seem to be able to append the 2 new parameters to create the final array to insert:$companyListFinal

What's the correct way to add the parameters to each company so they are all inserted at bulk?

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  • douhao2153 2016-10-11 22:59

    You need to use array_merge instead of array_add

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