duanliaoyin3171 2014-04-08 22:15
浏览 47


I have this code so far, which reads a simple table with 3 varchar fields:

//db connection code...

// select database 
mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!"); 

// create query 
$query = "SELECT * FROM Sheet1"; 

// execute query 
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. ".mysql_error());

// see if any rows were returned 
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { 
// yes

// see if any rows were returned 
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { 
// yes 
// print them one after another 
echo "<html><body><table cellpadding=10 border=1>"; 
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
    echo "<tr>"; 
    echo "<td>".$row['stickerID']."</td>"; 
    echo "<td>" .$row['stickerName']."</td>"; 
    echo "<td>".$row['stickerSection']."</td>"; 
    echo "<td>"?>
             <form name="some form" action="editform.php" method="post">
             <input type="checkbox" name="<?php echo $row['stickerID'] ?>" value=" <?php echo $row['stickerStatus'] ?> ">
             <?php "</td>";
    echo "</tr>"; 
echo "</table></body></html>";
echo " " ?>
             <input type="submit" name="editWish" value="Edit">
             <?php " ";
} else {  
// no 
// print status message 
echo "No rows found!"; 

// free result set memory 

// close connection 

The database has 4 fields, 3 varchar and 1 int with current value of 0. I checked the page source code and confirmed each checkbox name is the stickerID. Now I will post this to the editform.php which I must create. What Im wondering is how should I write the update sql so that it takes into account each new value selected by the user in the form?

This is my idea, but how to I do it for every checkbox?



//update multiple records

//UPDATE user_items SET stickerStatus = $_POST["stickerStatus"] WHERE stickerID = $_POST["stickerID"];

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  • douna3367 2014-04-08 22:22

    First question: use mysql_fetch_assoc() instead of mysql_fetch_row(). That will return an associative array instead of an enumerated one.

    Second question: read up on HTML forms and form handling.

    The answer to the question in the comments:

    // The <form> tag should only be echoed once.
    echo '<form name="some form" action="editform.php" method="post">';
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
        echo "<tr>"; 
        echo "<td>".$row['stickerID']."</td>"; 
        echo "<td>" .$row['stickerName']."</td>"; 
        echo "<td>".$row['stickerSection']."</td>"; 
        echo "<td>"?>
                 <input type="hidden" name="status_<?php echo $row['stickerID"; ?>" value="0">
                 <input type="checkbox" name="status_<?php echo $row['stickerID'] ?>" value="<?php echo $row['stickerStatus'] ?> ">
                 <?php "</td>";
        echo "</tr>"; 
    // You need a submit button to send the form
    echo '<input type="submit">';
    // Close the <form> tag
    echo '</form>';

    Using a hidden input with the same name as the checkbox makes sure a value for the given input name is sent to the server. The value of a checkbox that's not checked will not be sent. In that case the hidden input will be used.

    You can get the submitted values in editform.php as follows:

    foreach ($_POST as $field => $value) {
        if (strpos($field, 'status_')) {
            // Using (int) makes sure it's cast to an integer, preventing SQL injections
            $stickerID = (int) str_replace('status_', '', $field);
            // Again, preventing SQL injections. If the status could be a string, then use mysql_real_escape_string()
            $stickerStatus = (int) $value;
            // Do something with the results
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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