drsrq26482 2014-03-10 07:41
浏览 303

在php中回显的html <a>标签中执行javascript弹出窗口

the flow is: a php page calls an ajax function that displays a list of user in a table without refreshing the pages. in this table, i put a delete and edit link. I have no problem with the delete link however, i'm stuck at the edit link.

what I'm trying to do is, when a user click edit link, there will appear a popup window, there, they can update the details of the user, but it appears that my popup window is not appearing.

the javascript function is:

<script type="text/javascript">
function newWindow(url) { 
var x,y;
x = screen.width-35;
y = screen.height-30;
var win =       window.open(url,'glossaryWindow','toolbar=no,directories=no,width=500,height=500'+

i put the function at the top of the page.

this is the php code to call java function in html tag

echo "<td>" . '<a href="javascript: newWindow("/test/HTMLPages/popup_update_user.html")">edit</a>' . "</td>";

is it possible??

i checked it its my URL that wrong, but that is not the problem. the popup does not appear at all. i need advise on this matter.


this is the correct code for calling javascript in tag within php:

    echo "<td>" . "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"newWindow('popup_update_user.html')\">edit</a>". "</td>"; ?>


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  • douji8017 2014-03-10 07:59

    The problem is that in the echo you are opening and closing the statement before calling the javascript function.

    And don't call the function in the "href", call it from "onclick".

    Try this:

    echo "<td> <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"newWindow('/test/HTMLPages/popup_update_user.html')\">edit</a></td>";

    EDIT: Working example

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                function newWindow(url) { 
                var x,y;
                x = screen.width-35;
                y = screen.height-30;
                var win =       window.open(url,'glossaryWindow','toolbar=no,directories=no,width=500,height=500'+
                    echo "<td> <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"newWindow('/test/HTMLPages/popup_update_user.html')\">edit</a></td>";
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