This question already has an answer here:
I am trying to generate ics file dynamically in PHP, where timezone is dynamic according to the location given. Everything works good but there is daylight time issue i.e it shows time difference of one hour or so. Now to solve this issue I have to use DAYLIGHT
dynamically. but I don't know how to use it dynamically, or where from can I get TZOFFSETFROM
offsets related with timezone given.
For Example:
$timeZone = "America/Denver" // dynamically fetched from DB
$ical .= "VERSION:2.0
$ical .= "PRODID:-//LokalMotion//LokalMotion Events v1.0//EN
$ical .= "X-WR-CALNAME:LokalMotion Events
$ical .= "TZID:{$timeZone}
$ical .= "TZURL:{$timeZone}
$ical .= "X-LIC-LOCATION:{$timeZone}
$ical .= "BEGIN:VEVENT
$ical .= "DTSTAMP:".date('Ymd\THis\Z')."
$ical .= "DTSTART;TZID={$timeZone}:{$start_date}
$ical .= "DTEND;TZID={$timeZone}:{$end_date}
$ical .= "SUMMARY:{$title}
$ical .= "DESCRIPTION:{$description}
$ical .= "ORGANIZER;
$ical .= "CLASS:PUBLIC
$ical .= "CREATED:{$start_date}Z
$ical .= "LOCATION:{$location}
$ical .= "URL:
$ical .= "SEQUENCE:1
$ical .= "LAST-MODIFIED:".date('Ymd\THis\Z')."
$ical .= "UID:{$title}
$ical .= "END:VEVENT
$ical .= "END:VCALENDAR";
echo $ical;
Now how to use daylight dynamically according to the location, like location can be 'America/Caracas' .. etc
$ical .= "BEGIN:DAYLIGHT";
$ical .= "TZOFFSETFROM:{}"; //I need this dynamic
$ical .= "TZOFFSETTO:{}";//I need this dynamic
$ical .= "TZNAME:EDT";
$ical .= "DTSTART;TZID={$timeZone}:{$start_date}
$ical .= "END:DAYLIGHT";
Thanks in advance.