I need a Application.cfm like project level file for PHP.
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Coldfusion Application.cfm就像PHP的文件一样
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douliao7930 2010-11-12 08:44关注If your application is in the root, you can use dispatch.php.
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- 2017-10-16 14:57回答 1 已采纳 The equivalent code in CF is url["argname"] so <input name="auth_token" value="<cfoutput>
- 2018-10-09 09:29回答 1 已采纳 The problem is combination of how you're passing in the hexadecimal key and how that custom compon
- 2015-07-20 12:36回答 2 已采纳 You need to use the ColdFusion provided function for converting binary representation to string us
- 2021-10-28 19:45逼疯了的代码的博客 在网站的运营过程中,不可避免地要对网站的某些页面或者内容进行更新,这时便需要使用到网站的文件上传的功能。如果不对被上传的文件进行限制或者限制被绕过,该功能便有可能会被利用于上传可执行文件、脚本到服务器...
- 2015-08-28 00:46回答 1 已采纳 Remove your ord function. This line in your CF: char = asc(ord(char) & ord(keychar)); should b
- 2017-11-21 13:10回答 1 已采纳 It's impossible that this work, first you are doing avaiableTags in local but after at the source
- 2012-03-20 21:45回答 3 已采纳 That's the best way to do it, actually. As log as your process.php page is setup to accept FORM
- 2021-04-29 00:49weixin_40002692的博客 ### $Id: coldfusion_fckeditor.rb 11127 2010-11-24 19:35:38Z jduck $##### This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the...
- 2011-11-26 20:39回答 1 已采纳 You ended the PHP string too early. The quotes must surround the entire SQL query: $result = mysq
- 回答 2 已采纳 The problem is the third parameter you are passing to the mail() function which is the content for
- 2009-11-16 15:05回答 2 已采纳 If I'm not mistaken, the default CFMX_COMPAT function is simply a XOR. So in PHP this would be as
- 2020-08-23 16:50culi4814的博客 One of the greatest and probably most anticipated features to come with Macromedia’s Coldfusion MX is ColdFusion Components (CFCs). In its most basic form, a CFC is a collection of code and data that...
- 2020-08-23 11:12culi3182的博客 One of the cool new features of Macromedia ColdFusion MX is Macromedia Flash Remoting. Macromedia Flash Remoting allows you to use ColdFusion MX functionality in your Macromedia Flash movies easily us...
- 2021-04-26 21:59weixin_39874881的博客 ColdFusion 要使用会话变量,ColdFusion 还要求在站点根目录中创建 Application.cfm 文件(如果您的站点尚未具有该文件)。Application.cfm 文件必须包含以下代码: 注意:在 UNIX 系统上,文件名区分大小写。确保...
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- 2024-06-02 22:39世界尽头与你的博客 文件上传漏洞是指Web应用程序允许用户上传文件,但未对上传的文件进行充分的验证和过滤,从而导致潜在的安全风险。攻击者可以利用这些漏洞上传恶意文件,导致服务器被入侵、恶意代码执行、数据泄露等问题。这种攻击...
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- 2019-07-09 11:06cuici2014的博客 ColdFusion 开放分类: the computer programming language ColdFusion is an application...
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