dongzi0602 2019-02-14 23:12
浏览 38

用php和html 130.000记录具有ajax功能的数据库

Good night, I'm trying to list in html 130.000 records, the fact is that I made the code so that it could be listed by ajax-js, and I added a feature to filter by a field of the table, however I must show 130.000 record with the functionality before said, try to use Clusterize.js, however I was not successful, since it works by dynamic creation with js, and my sun is created from the records that come from the database, the fact is that doing so, only shows 40,000 records and js does not work, know any way to solve this? I know that the page also exists but that would invalidate the search or filtered by the field, so it did not solve it by that method.

I will put a sample as a filter by the first field (so you can get an idea of why I do not solve it per page):

 function ocultarRegistros(nombre_buscar){
       // variable para todos los registros
       var registros = tableBody[0].getElementsByTagName('tr');

    // expresion regular que busca el nombre con case insensitive
    var expression = new RegExp(nombre_buscar, "i");

    for(var i = 0; i < registros.length;i++) {
        registros[i].style.display = 'none';

        if(registros[i].childNodes[1].textContent.replace(/\s/g, "").search(expression) != -1 ) {
            registros[i].style.display = 'table-row';

inputBuscador.addEventListener('input', function() {
} );
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