I have try to list all days between two predefined, when i test on my server i have output like this belowe, as you can see 28.10 is two times there, but when i test this on phptester is back me normal output. What can be problem here? Where i have make mistake?
$from = strtotime('2018-10-25');
$to = strtotime('2018-10-30');
for ($i=$from; $i<=$to; $i+=86400)
$list[] = date('Y-m-d', $i);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
[0] => 2018-10-25
[1] => 2018-10-26
[2] => 2018-10-27
[3] => 2018-10-28
[4] => 2018-10-28
[5] => 2018-10-29