I'm using laravel 5.1 with mongodb package (jenssegers/laravel-mongodb) to build a leads manager system.
I'm trying to get the count of leads from deterrent times but the return answer is wrong - for example if for $today_count
I keep get the same as total count (I know it wrong, I can see by the dates in the collection)
my code looks like that:
public function getCount()
$client_id = \Auth::client()->id;
$today = Carbon::now()->startOfDay();
$last_week = $today->subWeek();
$today_count = Lead::where('client_id',$client_id)->where('created_at','>',$today)->get()->count();
$last_week_count = Lead::where('created_at',$last_week)->where('client_id',$client_id)->get()->count();
$forever = Lead::where('client_id',$client_id)->get()->count();
return ['today' => $today_count, 'last_week' => $last_week_count, 'forever' => $forever];
What should I do to get the correct answer?