I am trying to follow this tutorial to parse a JSON
web service
for display in an app.
The tutorial takes the input for loans from a service called KIVA
as follows:
{"loans":[{"id":961236,"name":"Alhassan","description":{"languages":["en"]},"status":"fundraising","funded_amount":0,"basket_amount":0,"image":{"id":1960690,"template_id":1},"activity":"Personal Purchases","sector":"Personal Use","themes":["Rural Exclusion"],"use":"to buy food and clothing, eliminating pressure to sell maize for low prices at harvest","location":{"country_code":"NG","country":"Nigeria","town":"Kaduna","geo":{"level":"town","pairs":"10 8","type":"point"}},"partner_id":288,"posted_date":"2015-10-13T21:00:03Z","planned_expiration_date":"2015-11-12T21:00:03Z","loan_amount":200,"borrower_count":1,"lender_count":0,"bonus_credit_eligibility":false,"tags":[]}
The current output from my service is:
[{"userid":"1","shcom":"hello","lcom":"hello there friend"}]
The main thing I think my web service is missing relative to the one above is:
"loans":`[ at the beginning of the output.
So I think what I need to do is insert that at the beginning of the JSON
output as the objective-c
code in the app uses "loans" to create an array
as follows:
NSArray* latestLoans = [json objectForKey:@"loans"]; // gets JSON
NSLog(@"loans: %@", latestLoans); // Prints it
What would I need to do to my PHP code to print out JSON as in the tutorial?
Thanks for any suggestions:
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
$loans[] = $row;