dongluan1743 2015-09-01 10:13
浏览 30

Drupal 7 - 将多站点设置迁移到实时服务器

So I have developed a drupal site long ago and now I wanted new site with same drupal 7. So I use multisite feature to develop new site. I have created it in staging server and now I want to migrate the setup to live server.

I follow following steps

  1. Export the staging server database.
  2. Download all the folders of drupal via FTP.
  3. Create new database on live server.
  4. Import staging server database to live server.
  5. Change setting.php file with new database settings, base url and domain setting.
  6. Change the domain name in database domain table to

After performing this steps, I think it should run. But my guess is wrong. It gives me blank page. Even the strange thing is if I echo 'testing'; in /sites/ its not reflecting the change.

What am I missing here? Any help will be appreciate.

Thanks in advance. Jay Stepin.

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  • dongruan6001 2015-09-08 15:26

    1 - Check if you have all modules on live server

    2 - Clear all cache in database , truncate all tables who begin by "cache" (you can use drush too : drush cc all)

    3 - Use drush registry rebuild (drush rr)

    4 - Use drush to see logs

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