doujian7132 2016-03-16 07:46
浏览 62

为什么我的html markdown输出错误?

I am using the html-to-markdown library, to print the markdown for a h1/h2 tag, but see that it is printing wrong. I believe the sample output should be:

Test H1

but it gets printed as:

Test H1 =======

Not sure what is going wrong, but i don't see any errors either. The code prints correctly for h3 to h6 tags, but not for h1 and h2 tags.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;

$converter = new HtmlConverter();

$html = "<h1>Test H1</h1>";
echo $html.'<br><br>';
$markdown = $converter->convert($html);
echo $markdown.'<br>'; exit;
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  • douxin1163 2016-03-16 07:57

    It's using an alternative syntax, see on wikipedia

    It should be correctly interpreted by a classic markdown parser.

    And it's said in Github that this is this underlined style that is used by your library. See on github on how to change that

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