doutui4649 2016-05-26 12:24
浏览 37

Symfony / Doctrine - 如何解释此代码?

I have two Tables in symfony join by ManyToOne bidirectional relationship. articles and dates.

I have in result ALL the articles except : 4 because one of them doesn't respond to the condition.

I found the solution but how can I symplify it ? I know it's not optimised. And I would like to.

In my table (dates) i have :

| id   |  | OK OR NOT ? 
| 1    | 4     |      OK 
| 2    | 4     |      OK 
| 3    | 6     |      OK 
| 4    | 5     |      OK 
| 5    | 4     |   **NOTOK** 

    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a');
    $allIndispo = $qb
        ->orderBy('', 'ASC')

    $allIndispoId = array();
    foreach ($allIndispo as $key => $value) {
        foreach ($allIndispo[$key] as $key2 => $value2) {
            $allIndispoId[] = $value2;

    $allDispo = $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
        ->where($qb->expr()->notIn('', "'".implode($allIndispoId, "', '")."'"))

    return $allDispo;
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  • dongyupen6269 2016-05-26 12:58

    Try to use the first query as subquery for the second, as example:

    $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('a2');  //We need a different alias here
        $allIndispo = $qb
            ->where('**NOTOK**') // so take care to change the table alias here also
            ->orderBy('', 'ASC');
    $allDispo = $this->createQueryBuilder('a')
        ->where($qb->expr()->notIn('', $subQuery->getDQL()))
    return $allDispo;

    Hope this help

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