doukuai3822 2018-10-26 07:46
浏览 46


I have a multidimensional array in PHP that I am trying to search for a specific value (url) and then retrieve an associated value (value). I also need to divert to an else if it is not found.

array(2) { 
  [0]=> array(2) { 
    ["url"]=> string(7) "fareham" 
    ["value"]=> string(7) "Fareham" 

 [1]=> array(2) { 
    ["url"]=> string(11) "southampton" 
    ["value"]=> string(11) "Southampton" 

I have been experimenting with array_key_exists and isset to check it's set and just coming up null! Any pointers for best practice to do this would be much apreciated.

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  • dongyou6847 2018-10-26 07:54

    Use array_column() to index the data by the url columns and then use isset() to check if the value is there...

    $data = array_column($data, "value", "url");
    $search = 'southampton';
    $value = isset($data[$search])?$data[$search]:"not found";
    echo $value;

    or for PHP 7+, you can use the null coalescing operator (??)

    $value = $data[$search]??"not found";
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