I am new to geoserver and the 'ImageMosaic Plugin for raster time-series data': I followed the tutorial on this page and managed to upload a raster time series to my local geoserver, which works pretty nice. I can access my single layers by changing the extension in the url like this:
&time=2009-10-01, &time=2009-11-01 and &time=2009-12-01
What I want to do now, is to make a JS/jQuery time slider, that refreshes my page/map when the slider date value is changed by the user and in a way that the corresponding raster image is loaded. Right now, I have three images in my series. To code a slider for those three raster files is not a problem. But if I will add another raster file to my time series in the future, I will need to also update my slider. Is there any way to code the slider dynamically?
In other words, can I send some kind of request to my geoserver that returns the number of raster layers in my ImageMosaic and also their dates, so I can use this information when the slider is loaded and generated?