dongqiulei6805 2013-10-21 08:16
浏览 65


I need to extend the custom success message after the customer registration. Now after registration the user is redirected to the dashboard and the standard success message is shown: "Thank you for registering with...".

I need that this message changes base on the customer group attribute. I read on-line but didn't find a working solution... but I think I'm making it in the wrong way. I started from here: to make a custom observer on the customer_register_success event, so I made the module xml named Bbox_Regmess.xml in app/etc/modules:


Than I made the app/code/local/Bbox/Regmess/etc and app/code/local/Bbox/Regmess/Model folders with inside the config.xml:


And the Observer.php that is just a first try to see if I'm able to add a custom success message:

    class Bbox_Regmess_Model_Observer {
        public function Customregmess($observer) {
        $event = $observer->getEvent();  //Fetches the current event
        $customer = $event->getCustomer();
            $eventmsg = "Current Event Triggered : <I>" . $event->getName() . "</I><br/> Currently Added Product : <I> " . $customer->getCustomerName()."</I>";
            //Adds Custom message to shopping cart

Now if a user registers to the shop, he get the standard registration message and there is not the custom $eventmsg

What I'm making wrong? There is another way to to that? Thanks

looking deeper I found out the default success message is defined in the app/code/core/Mage/Customer/controllers/AccountController.php at line 390 (just after the line 334 where there is the definition of customer_register_success event I'm trying to work with).
at line 390 there is the _welcomeCustomer function that is in charge of setting the success message, send confirmation email and set the success redirect url:

protected function _welcomeCustomer(Mage_Customer_Model_Customer $customer, $isJustConfirmed = false)
        $this->__('Thank you for registering with %s.', Mage::app()->getStore()->getFrontendName())

        $isJustConfirmed ? 'confirmed' : 'registered',

    $successUrl = Mage::getUrl('*/*/index', array('_secure'=>true));
    if ($this->_getSession()->getBeforeAuthUrl()) {
        $successUrl = $this->_getSession()->getBeforeAuthUrl(true);
    return $successUrl;

Is there any chance to extend this function so I can manage multiple success message base on the customer group?
I've look for some resource about it, but I didn't find anything usefull

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  • doufeikuang7724 2013-10-21 08:27

    I think that you must place the events tag in the global tag



    and the observer file extends Varien_Event_Observer, at least that worked with mine

    class Bbox_Regmess_Model_Observer extends Varien_Event_Observer{}



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