dou426098 2011-02-18 15:22
浏览 50


I have found a lot of info about adding CTP file support for NetBeans, but this is usually talking about code highlighting and treating a ctp file like a php file. This can be done at:

Tools -> Options -> Miscellaneous -> Files

I have done this.

However, when I try to create a NEW ctp file. I do not have the option.

I tried going to Tools -> Templates to add a ctp template. There is no "new" button just an "add" button that looks for a file.

I created a file on my desktop called cake_template.ctp on my desktop. I added it to the PHP templates in the template manager. I called the template "PHP Cake Template".

Still when I go to create a new file, the option is not there. I restarted NetBeans, still the same.

I just want to create a new .ctp file, it shouldn't be this difficult. Does anyone know how?

I am using version 6.9.1

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  • douzhouhan4618 2011-02-18 15:41

    just right click on the folder in the project view, and then say new php file. then just type the file_name.ctp in the field.

    if you have .ctp it will not add .php

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