I am writing a library I'll need to use in others parts of my programs, for this I had to use a lot interfaces and I ended up in a case I don't know how to solve.
Here is my code :
package main
import (
// Foo is defined in another package
type Foo struct {
WhatWeWant string
func (f *Foo) getResult() interface{} {
return f.WhatWeWant
func newFoo() interface{} {
return &Foo{
WhatWeWant: "test",
func main() {
bar := bar.Bar{
NewFooer: newFoo,
package bar
import (
type myInterface interface {
getResult() interface{}
type Bar struct {
NewFooer func() interface{}
func (b *Bar) Execute() {
foo := b.NewFooer()
// executeLib only accept pointer
whatWeWant := foo.(myInterface).getResult()
// This function is executed in an external library I have no control on
func executeLibWrapper(src interface{}) {
func executeLib(src reflect.Type) {
if src.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
switch src.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
fmt.Println("Struct OK!")
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't detect struct, we detect %s", src.Kind()))
I get the error
panic: interface conversion: *main.Foo is not bar.myInterface: missing method getResult
My goal is to be able to call getResult() after executing the library. Here is a playground : https://play.golang.org/p/7G2wc6uGngH. This playground works, so there is a strong possibilities that the problem come from the fact it is in different packages.
Note that I need to pass a pointer to executeLib, I can't get the pointer in execute() because otherwise I'll lose the foo type and can't execute the library : https://play.golang.org/p/A8ETfuMQyQB. This is why I have to return the pointer in newFoo()
Thank you for your help !