This is my struct, when I get a socket message I readJson and the structs gets filled with the data and all is fine. It goes through some functions, but once it goes through the Send function it serializes it in a weird way that eventually I get back a bunch of numbers and when I convert it to string, data is missing.
type Reply struct {
Topic string `redis:"topic" json:"topic"`
Ref string `redis:"ref" json:"ref"`
Payload struct {
Status string `redis:"status" json:"status"`
Response map[string]interface{} `redis:"response" json:"response"`
} `json:"payload"`
I just want to broadcast messages in this format.
This is where I get the modified and problematic data
func (rr *redisReceiver) run() error {
l := log.WithField("channel", Channel)
conn := rr.pool.Get()
defer conn.Close()
psc := redis.PubSubConn{Conn: conn}
go rr.connHandler()
for {
switch v := psc.Receive().(type) {
case redis.Message:
case redis.Subscription:
"kind": v.Kind,
"count": v.Count,
}).Println("Redis Subscription Received")
log.Println("Redis Subscription Received")
case error:
return errors.New("Error while subscribed to Redis channel")
l.WithField("v", v).Info("Unknown Redis receive during subscription")
log.Println("Unknown Redis receive during subscription")
Does Redigo not support that type of data structure?
This is the format I get and the format I'm supposed to get.
"{{spr_reply sketchpad map[] 1} {ok map[success:Joined successfully]}}"
//Supposed to get
{event: "spr_reply", topic: "sketchpad", ref: "45", payload: {status:
"ok", response: {}}}
On line 55 is where I get back the "corrupted" data -