dongshenghe1833 2018-10-14 09:31
浏览 29

使用MAC中的GO lang对具有pix证书的SOAP客户端进行HTTP Post调用

I want to make soap call using the go lang http requests. I am having the pfx certificate with password and I created the three pem extension files for private , client certificate and private key like below.

openssl pkcs12 -in XXXX.pfx -nocerts -nodes -out key.pem
openssl pkcs12 -in XXXX.pfx -cacerts -nokeys -out root.crt
openssl pkcs12 -in XXXX.pfx -clcerts -nokeys -out client.crt

Then I am executing the below GO Lang file which is causing the x509: certificate signed by unknown authority error.

package main

import (

const (

func createClientConfig(ca, crt, key string) (*tls.Config, error) {
    caCertPEM, err := ioutil.ReadFile(ca)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    roots := x509.NewCertPool()
    ok := roots.AppendCertsFromPEM(caCertPEM)
    if !ok {
        panic("failed to parse root certificate")

    cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(crt, key)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &tls.Config{
        CipherSuites:             []uint16{tls.TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384},
        Certificates:             []tls.Certificate{cert},
        RootCAs:                  roots,
        InsecureSkipVerify:       false,
        PreferServerCipherSuites: true,
    }, nil

func main() {
    var url = "/certificates/"

    clientCert := url + "client.pem"
    clientKey := url + "key.pem"
    rootCert := url + "root.pem"

    tlsConfig, err := createClientConfig(rootCert, clientCert, clientKey)

    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("Inside the error:::::", err)

    tr := &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tlsConfig}
    c := &http.Client{
        Transport: tr,
        Timeout:   15 * time.Second,

    request_url := "URL"
    resp, errPost := c.Post(request_url, "text/xml", bytes.NewBufferString(DATA))
    if errPost != nil {
        log.Fatalf("post error: %v", errPost)

    body, errBody := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)

    if errBody != nil {
        log.Fatalf("body error: %v", errBody)

    fmt.Printf("done - body: %v", string(body))

If I make the InsecureSkipVerify as true I am getting data without any error. What should I do if I want to make it secure? is there any possible to send the pfx file and pass_phrase directly in http call?

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