weixin_33738578 2014-03-13 09:14 采纳率: 0%
浏览 22


this is my function, where i post json only

function test() {
            var imgFile = document.getElementById('image');
            //            var imgData = JSON.stringify(getBase64Image(imgElem));
            //var imgData = Convert.FormBase64String(imgElem);

                type: 'POST',
                dataType: 'json',
                url: "http://localhost:59102/Contacts/AddContact",
                data: "json=" + "{\"token\":\"8mVm/nS1OfpU+nlQLbJjqXJ7kJI=VyLGI2GEKkGgtDt0babrAw==\"}",

                success: function (returnPayload) {
                    console && console.log("request succeeded");
                error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {
                    console && console.log("request failed");

                processData: false,
                async: false

and i dont know how to add to my data, image, i need to post json and image

this is my controller

        public JsonResult AddContact(string json, HttpPostedFileBase file)
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  • weixin_33725515 2014-03-13 09:27

    You can't upload files via AJAX (by design) unless you use a plugin that utilises other 'technology' such as flash, or iframes - this is a security measure as JavaScript reading local files on your machine would not be the best idea

    There's an option here: http://jquery.malsup.com/form/

    ...otherwise I suggest looking up one of the many other alternatives!




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