from.. 2009-03-06 08:51 采纳率: 50%
浏览 352

如何使用 CSS 轻松地将一个 div 水平居中? [重复]

This question already has an answer here:

I'm trying to horizontally center a <div> block element on a page and have it set to a minimum width. What is the simplest way to do this? I want the <div> element to be inline with rest of my page. I'll try to draw an example:

page text page text page text page text
page text page text page text page text
               | div |
page text page text page text page text
page text page text page text page text


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22条回答 默认 最新

  • 狐狸.fox 2012-05-29 10:28

    In the case of a non-fixed width div (i.e. you don't know how much space the div will occupy).

    #wrapper {
      background-color: green; /* for visualization purposes */
      text-align: center;
    #yourdiv {
      background-color: red; /* for visualization purposes */
      display: inline-block;
    <div id="wrapper">    
        <div id="yourdiv">Your text</div>

    Keep in mind that the width of #yourdiv is dynamic -> it will grow and shrink to accommodate the text inside it.

    You can check browser compatibility on Caniuse

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