刺猬也会伤心 2021-03-18 11:09 采纳率: 0%
浏览 31

excel的比较机器人使用时提示 属性的使用无效(文中加粗 和 下划线的地方)

Private Sub BeginIt_Click()

Dim JudgeTrue As Boolean
Dim CellVar As Range, FindingCell As Range, BlankCell As Range, SearchScope As Range
Dim Gave As String, BeGiven As Range
Dim FoundRow As Long, EndRow As Long, BeginRow As Long, RowRange As Long, CurRowOrder As Long, FirstBlankPos As Long
Dim BeginCol As Long, EndCol As Long, ColRange As Long
Dim StrForSearch As String
Dim OptionObj As Object

If (FileName1.ListIndex < 0) Or (FileName2.ListIndex < 0) Then
    MsgBox "先选择要比较的工作表!", vbCritical, "错误"
    Exit Sub
End If
If CopyTo.Value And (CopyToWbLocation.ListIndex < 0) Then
    MsgBox "先选择抄写的目的位置!", vbCritical, "错误"
    Exit Sub
End If
If (IsFound.ListIndex < 0) Or (IsInclude.ListIndex < 0) Then
    MsgBox "选择一个筛选条件!", vbCritical, "错误"
    Exit Sub
End If
If CatNo1.Value = ColNum1.Value Or CatNo2.Value = ColNum1.Value Then
    MsgBox "参数列和抄写列或欲写入列不能相同!", vbCritical, "错误"
    Exit Sub
End If
If CopyTo.Value Then
    With Workbooks(CopyToWbLocation.Text).Sheets(CopyToWsLocation.Text)
        FirstBlankPos = .UsedRange.Row + .UsedRange.Rows.Count
    End With
End If
With Workbooks(FileName1.Text).Worksheets(Sheet1.ListIndex + 1)
    BeginRow = .UsedRange.Row
    EndRow = .UsedRange.Row + .UsedRange.Rows.Count
    RowRange = EndRow - BeginRow
    CurRowOrder = 1
    BeginCol = .UsedRange.col
    EndCol = .UsedRange.col + .UsedRange.Columns.Count
    ColRange = EndCol - BeginCol
    If CompByCol1.Value Then
        Set SearchScope = .Range(.Cells(BeginRow, CatNo1.Value), .Cells(EndRow - 1, CatNo1.Value))
        Set SearchScope = .Range(.Cells(CatNo1.Value, BeginCol), .Cells(CatNo1.Value, EndCol - 1))
    End If
    For Each CellVar In SearchScope
        If Not (IgnoreBlank.Value And CellVar.Value = "") Then
            Select Case IsInclude.ListIndex
                Case 0
                    StrForSearch = CellVar.Value
                Case 1
                    StrForSearch = "*" & CellVar.Value & "*"
                Case 2
                    StrForSearch = CellVar.Value & "*"
                Case 3
                    StrForSearch = "*" & CellVar.Value
            End Select
            If CompByCol2.Value Then
                Set FindingCell = Workbooks(FileName2.Text).Worksheets(Sheet2.ListIndex + 1).Columns(CatNo2.Value).Find(what:=StrForSearch, lookat:=xlWhole)
                Set FindingCell = Workbooks(FileName2.Text).Worksheets(Sheet2.ListIndex + 1).Rows(CatNo2.Value).Find(what:=StrForSearch, lookat:=xlWhole)
            End If
            If (IsFound.ListIndex = 0) Then
                JudgeTrue = (Not FindingCell Is Nothing)
                JudgeTrue = (FindingCell Is Nothing)
            End If
            If CompByCol1.Value Then
                Set BeGiven = .Cells(CellVar.Row, ColNum1.Value)
                Set BeGiven = .Cells(ColNum1.Value, CellVar.Column)
            End If
            If CompByCol2.Value Then
                Gave = Workbooks(FileName2.Text).Worksheets(Sheet2.ListIndex + 1).Cells(FindingCell.Row, ColNum2.Value).Value
                Gave = Workbooks(FileName2.Text).Worksheets(Sheet2.ListIndex + 1).Cells(ColNum2.Value, FindingCell.Column).Value
            End If
            If JudgeTrue Then
                If CopyContent.Value Then
                    If Not (BeGiven.Value <> "" And IgnoreNoBlank.Value) Then BeGiven.Value = Gave
                End If
                If WriteLabel.Value Then
                    If Not (BeGiven.Value <> "" And IgnoreNoBlank.Value) Then BeGiven.Value = DiffLabel.Text
                End If
                If CopyTo.Value Then
                    With Workbooks(CopyToWbLocation.Text).Sheets(CopyToWsLocation.Text).Cells(FirstBlankPos, SetCopyCol.Value)
                        If Not (.Value <> "" And IgnoreNoBlank.Value) Then .Value = Gave
                    End With
                    FirstBlankPos = FirstBlankPos + 1
                End If
                If WriteNote.Value Then
                    With BeGiven
                        If Not (.Comment <> "" And IgnoreNoBlank.Value) Then
                            .Text Text:=NoteContentPrefix.Text & VBA.IIf(IncludeCopyContent.Value, Gave, "") & NoteContentSuffix.Text
                            .Visible = ShowNotes.Value
                        End With
                    End With
                End If
            End If
            StatusBar.Caption = "已完成" & CurRowOrder & "/" & RowRange & ",共占约" & Format(CurRowOrder / RowRange, "###.00%")
            CurRowOrder = CurRowOrder + 1
        End If
End With
MsgBox "已经结束!" & vbCr & "共处理了" & RowRange & "条内容。", vbInformation, "信息"
StatusBar.Caption = "等待您的命令..."
End Sub

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  • 刺猬也会伤心 2021-03-18 11:11





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