dsrjs86444 2015-05-15 04:19
浏览 67


Assuming I have a SQL table called techsched setup as below but the 800,900 etc. etc. went on till 2300, each representing a one hour block of time. a six character alphanumeric character (TPI232) represents a ticket number assigned to a tech and the ticket number is duplicated across each block of time the tech is scheduled for. I need to run a SQL query that can find a ticket number regardless of where it is located in the TABLE and set the value of the row/column where it is found to NULL or BLANK

Tech         date          800      900      1000      1100      1200
John Doe     05-01-15                       DSA123    DSA123    DSA123
Mike Doe     05-01-15     FGG342   FGG342  
Bill Doe     05-01-15                      
Steve Doe    05-01-15              TPI232   TPI232    TPI232  

I know this below will not and does not work but its the best way to demonstrate what I'm trying to do:

UPDATE techsched SET wildcard_column_name='' WHERE wildcard_column_name='FGG342'

I don't know where the record number may occur at in the table, so how can this be accomplished?

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  • dongshen6060 2015-05-15 05:17

    Create a stored procedure like this and tweak it to suit your case:

    delimiter $$
    drop procedure if exists clear_values$$
    create procedure clear_values(subject char(10))
        declare finished int default 0;
        declare colname varchar(100);
        -- cursor
        declare cur_columns cursor for
            select column_name
            from information_schema.columns
            where table_name = 'test'
            and data_type = 'char'
            and character_maximum_length = 10;
        -- data type and length matches the field info
        -- in my table
        -- handler for when we run out of records to read
        declare continue handler for not found
            set finished = 1;
        open cur_columns;
        reading: loop
            -- retrieve data until end of records
            fetch cur_columns into colname;
            if finished = 1 then
                leave reading;
            end if;
            -- create text that will update column's value
            set @statement = concat(
                'update test ',
                'set `', colname, '` = \'\' ',
                'where `', colname, '` = \'', subject, '\''
            -- create a prepared statement from the text 
            -- and execute it
            prepare stmt from @statement;
            execute stmt;
            deallocate prepare stmt;
        end loop reading;
        close cur_columns;
    delimiter ;

    When you get a chance, think about normalizing the table somewhat assuming this is a small project:

    create table techs (
      id int auto_increment primary key,
      tech varchar(50)
    create table schedules (
      id int auto_increment primary key,
      tech_id int not null,
      sched datetime not null,
      ticket char(6),
      constraint fk_schedules_techs_tech_id
        foreign key (tech_id)
        references techs (id),
      constraint uk_schedules_tech_id_sched 
        unique (tech_id, sched)
    insert into techs (tech) values 
    insert into schedules (tech_id, sched, ticket) values 
    (1, '2015-05-01 08:00:00', ''), 
    (1, '2015-05-01 09:00:00', ''),
    (1, '2015-05-01 10:00:00', 'DSA123'),
    (2, '2015-05-01 08:00:00', 'FGG324'), 
    (2, '2015-05-01 09:00:00', 'FGG324'),
    (2, '2015-05-01 10:00:00', '');


    Now when you have to clear out ticket where the ticket was FGG324, you can type:

    update schedules set ticket = '' where ticket = 'FGG324';
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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