Eip_Nit_AC 2023-04-10 16:44 采纳率: 25%
浏览 288

python数据导入报错FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory


import numpy as np
from scipy.io import savemat
import os
import data

import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

class_0, class_1 = ['C22'], ['C23']
categories = sorted(class_0 + class_1)

sparsity_b1, sparsity_b2 = 0.1, 0.002
sparsity_b1, sparsity_b2 = 0.01, 0.001
num_words = 30

save_to = f'../matlab/data/rcv1/data.mat'

dataset = data.TextRCV1(data_dir='./data/RCV1', subset='all', categories=categories)
dataset.remove_short_documents(nwords=50, vocab='full')

dataset.remove_frequent_words(sparsity_b1=sparsity_b1, sparsity_b2=sparsity_b2)
dataset.keep_top_words(num_words, 0)
dataset.remove_short_documents(nwords=5, vocab='selected')


tfidf = dataset.tfidf.astype(float).T.toarray()  # size: (num of words) x (num of documents)
print('max/min tfidf', np.max(tfidf), np.min(tfidf[tfidf > 0]))

card = np.sum(tfidf > 0, 1)
print('max/min edge cardinality', max(card), min(card))

index2class = {i: dataset.class_names[i] for i in range(len(dataset.class_names))}
true_classes = np.array([int(index2class[i] in class_1) for i in dataset.labels])

data_mat = {'R': tfidf, 'y': true_classes}
savemat(save_to, data_mat)


import re
import sklearn
from sklearn import *
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer, TfidfTransformer
import numpy as np
import os
from tqdm.auto import tqdm, trange
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import random

def balance_class_idx(labels, n_per_class=None):

    lset = np.unique(labels)
    num_class = [np.sum(labels==ll) for ll in lset]
    small_num = np.min(num_class)
    n_per_class = small_num if n_per_class is None else n_per_class

    lim_lo = min(small_num, n_per_class)

    idx = np.arange(len(labels))
    idx_sample = []
    for li,ll in enumerate(lset):
        bi = labels==ll
        ni = num_class[li]
        idx_s = idx[bi][np.random.RandomState(li).permutation(ni)[:lim_lo]]
    return np.hstack(idx_sample)

class TextDataset(object):

    def clean_text(self, num='substitute'):
        """ Transform text to a-z (lowercase) and (single) whitespace. """
        for i, doc in enumerate(self.documents):
            if num == 'spell':
                doc = doc.replace('0', ' zero ')
                doc = doc.replace('1', ' one ')
                doc = doc.replace('2', ' two ')
                doc = doc.replace('3', ' three ')
                doc = doc.replace('4', ' four ')
                doc = doc.replace('5', ' five ')
                doc = doc.replace('6', ' six ')
                doc = doc.replace('7', ' seven ')
                doc = doc.replace('8', ' eight ')
                doc = doc.replace('9', ' nine ')
            elif num == 'substitute':
                doc = re.sub('(\\d+)', ' NUM ', doc)
            elif num == 'remove':
                doc = re.sub('[0-9]', ' ', doc)
            doc = doc.replace('$', ' dollar ')
            doc = doc.lower()
            doc = re.sub('[^a-z]', ' ', doc)
            doc = ' '.join(doc.split())
            self.documents[i] = doc

    def vectorize(self, **params):
        """ params: stop_words=None ('english') """
        vectorizer = CountVectorizer(**params)
        self.data = vectorizer.fit_transform(self.documents)
        self.vocab = vectorizer.get_feature_names()
        assert len(self.vocab) == self.data.shape[1]
    def compute_tfidf(self):
        tf_transformer = TfidfTransformer().fit(self.data)  # norm='l2' ('l1', 'l2')
        self.tfidf = tf_transformer.transform(self.data)
    def class_conditional_word_dist(self, Mprint=20):
        """ class conditional word distribution """
        self.class_word_dist = np.array(np.vstack([self.data[self.labels == ci, :].sum(0)/self.data[self.labels == ci, :].sum() for ci in np.unique(self.labels)]))  # num of classes x num of words
        self.labels_word = self.class_word_dist.argmax(0)
        for i in range(self.class_word_dist.shape[0]):
            print('top {} frequent words in class {}'.format(Mprint, i))
            idx = np.argsort(self.class_word_dist[i, :])[::-1][:Mprint]
            for j in range(Mprint):
                print('  {:3d}: {:10s} {:.4f}'.format(j, self.vocab[idx[j]], self.class_word_dist[i, idx[j]]))

    def data_info(self, show_classes=False):
        n, m = self.data.shape
        sparsity = self.data.nnz / n / m * 100
        print('N = {} documents, M = {} words, sparsity = {:.4f}%'.format(n, m, sparsity))
        if show_classes:
            for i in range(len(self.class_names)):
                num = sum(self.labels == i)
                print('  {:5d} documents in class {:2d} ({})'.format(num, i, self.class_names[i]))

    def show_document(self, i):
        label = self.labels[i]
        name = self.class_names[label]
            text = self.documents[i]
            wc = len(text.split())
        except AttributeError:
            text = None
            wc = 'N/A'
        print('document {}: label {} --> {}, {} words'.format(i, label, name, wc))
            vector = self.data[i, :]
            for j in range(vector.shape[1]):
                if vector[0, j] != 0:
                    print('  {:.2f} "{}" ({})'.format(vector[0, j], self.vocab[j], j))
        except AttributeError:
        return text

    def keep_documents(self, idx):
        """ Keep the documents given by the index, discard the others. """
        print('{} documents have been removed'.format(self.data.shape[0] - len(idx)))
        self.documents = [self.documents[i] for i in idx]
        self.labels = self.labels[idx]
        self.data = self.data[idx, :]

    def keep_words(self, idx):
        """ Keep the words given by the index, discard the others. """
        print('{} words have been removed'.format(self.data.shape[1] - len(idx)))
        self.data = self.data[:, idx]
        self.vocab = [self.vocab[i] for i in idx]

    def remove_short_documents(self, nwords, vocab='selected'):
        """ Remove a document if it contains less than nwords. """
        if vocab == 'selected':
            # Word count with selected vocabulary.
            wc = self.data.sum(axis=1)
            wc = np.squeeze(np.asarray(wc))
        else:  # elif vocab is 'full':
            # Word count with full vocabulary.
            wc = np.empty(self.data.shape[0], dtype=np.int)
            for i, doc in enumerate(self.documents):
                wc[i] = len(doc.split())
        idx = np.argwhere(wc >= nwords).squeeze()
        return wc

    def keep_top_words(self, M, Mprint=20):
        """ Keep in the vocaluary the M words who appear most often. """
        freq = self.data.sum(axis=0)
        freq = np.squeeze(np.asarray(freq))
        idx = np.argsort(freq)[::-1]
        idx = idx[:M]
        print('most frequent words')
        for i in range(Mprint):
            print('  {:3d}: {:10s} {:6d} counts'.format(i, self.vocab[i], freq[idx][i]))
        return freq[idx]
    def sample_words(self, M):
        m = self.data.shape[1]
        idx = random.sample(set(np.arange(m)), M)
    def remove_frequent_words(self, sparsity_b1=0.2, sparsity_b2=0.002):
        """ words that appear in over a certain fraction of the data-sets are removed. """
        freq = self.data.astype(bool).sum(axis=0)
        freq_ratio = np.squeeze(np.asarray(freq))/self.data.shape[0]
        idx = [i for i, fr in enumerate(freq_ratio) if sparsity_b1 >= fr >= sparsity_b2]
        return freq_ratio[idx]    
    def normalize(self, norm='l2'):
        data = self.data.astype(np.float64)
        self.data = sklearn.preprocessing.normalize(data, axis=1, norm=norm)

    def remove_encoded_images(self, freq=1e3):
        widx = self.vocab.index('ax')
        wc = self.data[:, widx].toarray().squeeze()
        idx = np.argwhere(wc < freq).squeeze()
        return wc

class Text20News(TextDataset):
    def __init__(self, **params):
            subset='train' ('train', 'test', 'all')
            categories=None (list of category names to load)
            shuffle=True (bool)
            random_state=42 (int)
            remove=() (tuple, subset of ('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
        dataset = datasets.fetch_20newsgroups(**params)
        self.documents = dataset.data
        self.labels = dataset.target
        self.class_names = dataset.target_names
        assert max(self.labels) + 1 == len(self.class_names)
        n, c = len(self.documents), len(self.class_names)
        print('N = {} documents, C = {} classes'.format(n, c))


class TextRCV1(TextDataset):
    def __init__(self, data_dir='./data/RCV1', subset='all', categories=None):
            data_dir='./data/RCV1' download dataset ref: https://github.com/XifengGuo/DEC-keras/blob/2438070110b17b4fb9bc408c11d776fc1bd1bd56/data/reuters/get_data.sh
            subset='all' ('train', 'test', 'all')
            categories=None (list of category names to load)
        level categories:
            1st_levl:{'CCAT', 'GCAT', 'MCAT', 'ECAT'}
        did_to_cat = {}
        with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'rcv1-v2.topics.qrels')) as fin:
            for line in fin.readlines():
                line = line.strip().split(' ')
                cat = line[0]
                did = int(line[1])
                if cat in categories:
                    did_to_cat[did] = did_to_cat.get(did, []) + [cat]
            # keep only the single-label ones
            did_to_cat = {k: v for k, v in did_to_cat.items() if len(v) == 1}

        dat_list = ['lyrl2004_tokens_test_pt0.dat',

        if subset == 'train':
            dat_list = dat_list[-1:]
        elif subset == 'test':
            dat_list = dat_list[:-1]

        data = []
        target = []
        cat_to_cid = dict(zip(categories, list(range(len(categories)))))

        for dat in dat_list:
            with open(os.path.join(data_dir, dat)) as fin:
                fin_lines = fin.readlines()
                for li, line in enumerate(fin_lines):
                    #                     print(li, line)
                    if line.startswith('.I'):
                        did = int(line.strip().split(' ')[1])
                    elif line.startswith('.W'):
                        doc = ''
                    elif line != '\n':
                        doc += line
                    else:  # blank line
                        assert doc != ''  # stacked doc
                        if did in did_to_cat:  # append to data and target lists
                            target.append([cat_to_cid[d] for d in did_to_cat[did]])

        #         print((len(data), 'and', len(did_to_cat)))
        #         assert len(data) == len(did_to_cat)

        self.documents = data
        self.labels = np.array(target).flatten()  # single label
        self.class_names = categories
        #         self.cvt_labels_onehot() # labels as array

        if isinstance(self.labels, list):
            assert max(sum(self.labels, [])) + 1 == len(self.class_names)
            assert max(self.labels) + 1 == len(self.class_names)

        n, c = len(self.documents), len(self.class_names)
        print('N = {} documents, C = {} classes'.format(n, c))

    def cvt_labels_onehot(self, idx):
        n, c = len(self.documents), len(self.class_names)
        labels = np.zeros((len(idx), c), dtype=bool)
        print('converting label names to mat...')
        for i, ni in enumerate(trange(idx)):
            labels[i, self.labels[ni]] = True
        self.labels_onehot = csr_matrix(labels)


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "d:\program\hg_general_submodular_weights-main\hg_general_submodular_weights-main\python\main_rcv1.py", line 21, in <module>
    dataset = data.TextRCV1(data_dir='./data/RCV1', subset='all', categories=categories)
  File "d:\program\hg_general_submodular_weights-main\hg_general_submodular_weights-main\python\data.py", line 233, in __init__
    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'rcv1-v2.topics.qrels')) as fin:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './data/RCV1\\rcv1-v2.topics.qrels'



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  • 阿里嘎多学长 2023-04-10 16:58



    with open(os.path.join(data_dir, 'rcv1-v2.topics.qrels')) as fin:


    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(data_dir, 'rcv1-v2.topics.qrels')):
        print('File not found')






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