1.VaR、CoVaR、Delta CoVaR 和 MES具体是如何被拟合到y(t)曲线里的,是在已知基函数∮(t)里吗?能否给出具体的公式推导过程
1.VaR、CoVaR、Delta CoVaR 和 MES具体是如何被拟合到y(t)曲线里的,是在已知基函数∮(t)里吗?能否给出具体的公式推导过程
Let's break down the complex questions related to financial risk networks, time-varying transfer entropy, and FDA.
1. VaR, CoVaR, Delta CoVaR, and MES in Functional Data Analysis (FDA)
These risk metrics are not directly "fitted" into a y(t) curve in the same way you fit a regression line. Instead, FDA treats the entire time series of returns (or another relevant variable) as a single function, y(t). The risk metrics are then calculated from this functional data object. The basis functions φ(t) are used to represent y(t) in a functional space, enabling various operations.
Here's a breakdown:
Basis Functions (φ(t)): These are a set of functions (e.g., B-splines, Fourier basis) that are used to represent the observed data y(t) as a linear combination: y(t) ≈ Σ cᵢφᵢ(t), where cᵢ are the coefficients. The basis functions allow us to smooth the data and perform calculations in the functional domain.
Fitting the curve: The "fitting" process involves finding the optimal coefficients (cᵢ) that best represent the observed data y(t) using the chosen basis functions. This is typically done using least squares regression.
Calculating Risk Metrics: Once you have the smooth functional representation of y(t), you can calculate the risk metrics:
VaR(α): The Value-at-Risk at level α is the α-quantile of the distribution of y(t) (e.g., returns). In the FDA context, you'd find the value y*(t) such that the probability of y(t) being less than or equal to y*(t) is α.
CoVaR(α|Y=y): The Conditional Value-at-Risk measures the VaR of institution A conditional on institution B's return being at a specific level y. In FDA, you'd model the joint distribution of the returns of institutions A and B as functions and then calculate the conditional quantile.
ΔCoVaR(α): This is the difference between CoVaR(α|Y=VaR(α)) and CoVaR(α|Y=median(Y)). It captures the change in risk for institution A when institution B moves from its median state to its distressed state (VaR).
MES (Marginal Expected Shortfall): This measures the expected loss of an institution given that the system is in a distressed state. It requires modeling the joint distribution of all institutions in the system.
2. DFSRI and Transfer Entropy for Risk Contagion Networks
2.1 DFSRI-based Network Construction:
The Dynamic Financial Stress Risk Index (DFSRI) likely captures various aspects of financial stress (e.g., market volatility, credit spreads). The paper you're referencing probably uses the correlation or cross-correlation between the DFSRI series of different sectors to build the adjacency matrix of the risk contagion network.
Calculate DFSRI: Compute the DFSRI time series for each sector.
Correlation/Cross-correlation: Calculate the pairwise correlation or cross-correlation between the DFSRI series of different sectors. Cross-correlation can capture lead-lag relationships.
Adjacency Matrix: Use the correlation or cross-correlation values to define the connections (edges) between sectors (nodes) in the network. For example, you could set a threshold – if the correlation between two sectors exceeds the threshold, a link is established in the adjacency matrix. This creates the risk contagion network.
2.2 Transfer Entropy-based Network Construction:
Transfer entropy (TE) quantifies the directed information flow between two time series. It's used to infer causal relationships.
Calculate Transfer Entropy: For each pair of sectors (X and Y), calculate the transfer entropy TE(X→Y) and TE(Y→X). The formula for transfer entropy is:
TE(X→Y) = Σ P(yₜ₊₁ , yₜ⁽ᵏ⁾, xₜ) log₂ [P(yₜ₊₁ | yₜ⁽ᵏ⁾, xₜ) / P(yₜ₊₁ | yₜ⁽ᵏ⁾)]
Adjacency Matrix: Create the adjacency matrix of the network. The (i, j)-th entry represents the directed edge from sector i to sector j. You can use different approaches:
Thresholding: If TE(X→Y) exceeds a certain threshold, set the corresponding entry in the adjacency matrix to 1 (representing a directed link from X to Y). Otherwise, set it to 0.
Weighted Network: Use the TE values directly as the weights of the directed edges in the network. A higher TE value indicates a stronger causal influence.
Code Example (Conceptual - Transfer Entropy):
import numpy as np
def transfer_entropy(x, y, k=1):
"""Calculates transfer entropy from x to y."""
# Implement the transfer entropy calculation here. This is a simplified example
# and requires a proper probability estimation method (e.g., kernel density estimation).
# This is just to illustrate the general idea.
# ... (complex probability estimation and summation) ...
return te
# Example usage (assuming you have time series data for sectors)
sector_data = { 'SectorA': np.random.rand(100), 'SectorB': np.random.rand(100), 'SectorC': np.random.rand(100)}
adjacency_matrix = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i, sector1 in enumerate(['SectorA', 'SectorB', 'SectorC']):
for j, sector2 in enumerate(['SectorA', 'SectorB', 'SectorC']):
if i != j:
te = transfer_entropy(sector_data[sector1], sector_data[sector2])
adjacency_matrix[i, j] = te
This is a simplified example. Calculating transfer entropy accurately requires sophisticated probability estimation techniques and careful consideration of parameters like k
(the history length). Libraries like JIDT
can be helpful for computing transfer entropy. Also, the DFSRI-based network construction would involve calculating correlations and applying a threshold. Remember to adapt the code and methodology to your specific data and research question.