doufan9395 2017-09-21 11:03
浏览 58

多个表的Laravel Eloquent关系问题

In Laravel 5.5 I try to create a small application to manage products of a couple of sellers/stores.

Therefore, I have four different models like this:


class Attribute extends Model

    public function items()

        return $this->belongsToMany(Item::class);


class Item extends Model

    public function seller()

         return $this->belongsTo(Seller::class);

    public function category()

        return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);

    public function attributes()

        return $this->belongsToMany(Item::class);


class Category extends Model

    public function items()

        return $this->hasMany(Item::class);


class Attribute extends Model

    public function items()

        return $this->belongsToMany(Item::class);

For the many-to-many relation between Attributes & Items, I created a pivot table:

Schema::create('attribute_item', function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->primary(['attribute_id', 'item_id']);

The goal of the entire application is to:

  • fetch all items of a seller by category with attributes (for filtering or something)
  • Fetch a specific item of an seller and get its attributes and category

I'm a little bit confused by Laravels relationhip methods and which one to use in that case.

May it is better to hasManyThrough or polymorphic relationhips?

I have to admit that I have a little logic problem here. Hopefully you can help me.

Thank you!

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  • dpdx51205 2017-09-21 13:27

    You can use whereHas method to find the nested relationship let's for example your first goal

    fetch all items from a seller by category with attributes (for filtering or something)

    You may write the following:

    $items = Item::whereHas('seller.items', function ($query) {
            $query->whereHas('categories', function ($categories) {
                $categories->where('name', '=', 'Mens');
            ->orWhereHas('attributes', function ($attributes) {
                $attriutes->where('size', '=', 'large');

    Find out more about this:

    This will give you the list of items if you want to get items with categories and attributes you can use with method to get the relational data:

    $items = Item::whereHas('seller.items', function ($query) {
            $query->whereHas('categories', function ($caegories) {
                $categories->where('name', '=', 'Mens');
            ->orWhereHas('attributes', function ($attributes) {
                $atributes->where('size', '=', 'large');
        ->with('categories', 'attributes')

    Hope this guide you the problem which you are facing.

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