Im created a custom block, with the below code, but im having some trouble turning the Group Title into an link, that will take the user back to the group at anytime.
Below is the code ive used, I thought active turns it into a link, but perhaps im being stupid.
<div class="active"><h2><?php print $group_title; ?></h2></div>
Below is the full code:
<?php $group_title = og_get_group_context()->title; ?>
<?php $group_nid = og_get_group_context()->nid; ?>
<?php $forum_link = og_forum_get_forum_container($group_nid); ?>
<div class="active"><h2><?php print $group_title; ?></h2></div>
<div class="content"
<div class="item-list">
<li class="user-input-link"><a title="Add a new Forum topic"href="/node/add/forum?gids[]=<?php print $group_nid; ?>">Add a new forum topic</a>