dpict99695329 2014-07-24 01:34 采纳率: 100%
浏览 1254


Ok. This might have been asked several times but my problem is slightly different. I have following page tab in my facebook application:

Facebook Page Tab

This facebook page tab has my website embedded as iframe into it. What I want is that is to get the URL of current page inside my application.

For example, if you open above link you see facebook URL in your browser(obviously) address bar. In my iframe I just want to retrieve the URL of the parent page in which it is embedded.

I know same-origin policies in Javascript don't allow playing with cross-domain parent page's markup using javascript but I just want to retrieve the parent page URL, thats it.

Is that possible in ANY way? Any way to access the address bar URL in my PHP application?


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  • doulu0266 2014-07-24 02:26

    You probably don’t need the “actual URL”, but only the page id, I assume …? That you can get by decoding the signed_request parameter that gets POSTed to your app on initial load into the iframe.

    How to “decode” it is described here, https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/using-login-with-games#parsingsr

    If you’re using the PHP SDK, that has a method already that does this for you.

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