I am trying to shadow a live website to my local machine, I have finished all the copy thing for home folder and database from cpanel.
So far, I didn't make any change on code part, and just installed xampp and set up phpmyadmin.
after I set the localhost, and loaded the local page then below message displayed.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function
mysql_connect() in F:\htdocsamtaps\includes\php_library.inc:41 Stack
trace: #0 F:\htdocsamtaps\includes\php_library.inc(19):
phpLibrary->createGlobalDatabaseConnection() #1
phpLibrary->__construct() #2
include('F:\\htdocs\amta...') #3 F:\htdocsamtaps\index.php(4):
include('F:\\htdocs\amta...') #4 {main} thrown in
F:\htdocsamtaps\includes\php_library.inc on line 41
So I looked into the code and it said that mysql_connect
is deprecated.
I am pretty new one this field and tried few things and they didn't work so far.
If anyone advises me regarding on this, I would really appreciate.