dongmubi4444 2015-01-07 22:32
浏览 96


Coming from the Eclipse world, I started using PhpStorm to develop in PHP. I would like to ask if there's a way to group by similar projects in order to see them like in the Eclipse's working set feature, with a view such as:

    -------> APhpLibraryProject
    -------> AnotherPhpLibraryProject
    -------> YetAnotherPhpLibraryProject
    -------> AProject
    -------> AnotherProject
    -------> Etc...

I mean, in Eclipse I can e.g. create a LibraryProjects working set and add projects to it (like e.g. APhpLibraryProject, AnotherPhpLibraryProject), in order to not see a plenty list of different projects on the left side of the IDE...

Is it possible in PhpStorm?

Thank you for your attention!

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  • dsc6517 2015-01-12 13:56

    Note really: you cannot have them as fully independent projects (with own settings etc) in single frame at the moment -- only one project per frame/window. -- watch this ticker (star/vote/comment) to get notified on progress.

    But if you need to just add files to the project and be able to edit them (as part of the actual project -- they will participate in global search/replace; refactorings & deployment checked for errors etc) -- yes, just use Additional Content Root functionality (Settings | Project | Directories --> Add Content Root button).

    If those projects/libraries are needed for reference purpose only (code completion) and not editing then use External Libraries (Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP -> Include paths).

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