I have a laravel project which runs perfectly fine on laravel 4.1.31 , now my challenge was to migrate that project to higher version say 5.3. I started following the upgrade guide provided by Laravel on this link below
I changed the laravel version on composer.json to 4.2.* as shown below
my composer.json file
"require": {
"classpreloader/classpreloader": "1.0.2",
"way/generators": "2.*"
"autoload": {
"files": [
"classmap": [
"repositories": {
"packagist": { "url": "https://packagist.org", "type": "composer" }
After successful composer update I followed the documentation and added new Encryption Defaults to the specified app/config/app.php file. and the next steps were not applicable in my case so i skipped them.
With all the excitement i ran composer dump-autoload next after which i also ran php artisan dump-autoload without fail again and again :) :)
and finally with courage opened the chrome with my project url :( it loads a page which i didn't like at first a Whoops error page saying
Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException (E_UNKNOWN)
It doesn't give much information about the error. I tried to debug through my routes file with this code.
Route::get('/login', function(){
$environment = App::environment();
echo $d = class_exists('DashboardController');
$d = new DashboardController();
$c = get_declared_classes();
By this experiment I found out that application is not loaded with DashboardController, or any other controller for that matter. I have tried many things with composer and artisan cache clearing, optimizing but no luck so far leading me to post this question.
Glad to take all the help you people offer :)