duangu6588 2017-09-07 05:24
浏览 83


So My website is already built and fully functional on I built it using ajax, jquery,html, and php , so I am trying to figure when converting over to phonegap am I creating all new php files to attach to phonegap server or am I just calling/wrapping my website using the files I already have from my website , I guess what im trying to ask is when I edit my website files using FTP should my app be automatically updated because im using ajax to call php files on my website server or do i need to create the files separate it should have 0 affect on my app unless I edit that as well ,

The reason why im asking because all of my website php files checking to see if cookies and sessions are set else redirect to index.php and dont really understand how thats going to work using the phonegap app, completely new to this , hope im being very clear on what im asking

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  • dongyou9373 2017-09-07 06:39

    You can Load your website to the app using Jquery load() or by Ajax or by InApp browser.

    If you want to show your website to a div, you can do it by load() or by ajax call


    <div id="Load"></div>
    <div id="ajax"></div>


    /*Using Jquery Load()*/
    /*Using ajax*/
      success:function(data) {

    OR by Inapp browser


    Before using inappbrowser you must install the plugin to your project To add inappbrowser to project by commanline

    $ phonegap local plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-inappbrowser.git
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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