dpz3471 2016-08-16 19:00
浏览 79

如何知道我的帖子请求来自PHP服务器中的phonegap / cordova应用程序

Let's say I have a Phonegap / cordova app and I want to make requests to my server with POSTs and GETs throught AJAX.

How can I secure my php file to do only if the post come from my app. E.G.

if($_POST["key"]==$secret_key_got_from_server) {
   // Do the things

I wanted to create a secure unique key with openssl, but if I hardcode it in the code to send it throught AJAX, anyone could just decompile my source code and get the key and do whatever he wants.

How could I make sure my post come from my phonegap app, or how can I securily code that key/token ?

I'm not quite sure if this question should be here or in security SE.

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  • drhdjp97757 2017-12-28 19:38

    How could I make sure my post come from my phonegap app, or how can I securily code that key/token ?

    You can't. Full stop. Reverse engineering exists in the world, and that genie has been out of the bottle for at least 40 years.

    Ask yourself, "Why is it necessary to ensure that the data can only come from my app?" You're very likely trying to solve the wrong problem.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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