I have a postgres database with stored images 'bytea' type and I try to display them into a browser with PHP. I found the way to display one of them but I can't make it for more than one. The code I use is the following:
File Name - display_image.php
$conn = pg_connect("dbname=test user=postgres password=postgres");
$temp = '/home/postgres/tmp.jpg';
$query = "select lo_export(image, '$temp') from map ";
$result = pg_query($query);
while ($line = pg_fetch_array($result))
$ctobj = $line["image"];
echo "<IMG SRC=show.php> </br>";
else { echo "File does not exists."; }
File Name - show.php
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
$jpeg = fopen("/home/postgres/tmp.jpg","r");
$image = fread($jpeg,filesize("/home/postgres/tmp.jpg"));
echo $image;
The problem seems to be the "tmp.jpg" virtual file which displays only one image. If the result of the query is 7 images then it displays 7 times the same image within a while loop. How can I solve this? Thanks for the interest!