dongxuan2015 2013-08-17 20:16
浏览 67


I have the following string:

Beyonce Knowles is married to Jay-Z and KANYE WEST is awesome and San Antonio Texas is great but not as good as West Palm Beach, FL

I need to extract Beyonce Knowles, Jay-Z, KANYE WEST, West Palm Beach, FL and San Antonio Texas (separated)

I'm still new to regex, but so far I've got '/^[A-Z]+/

How do I fix my regex to account for the extracted words I am trying to obtain?


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  • duanluanlang8501 2013-08-17 20:26

    You could try this:


    This will match one or more uppercase letters followed by zero or more lowercase letters, possibly repeated multiple times, separated by one or more white space or punctuation characters. It takes advantage of Unicode character classes so it can handle text in other languages.

    Or this to match just two such patterns in a row:


    For example:

    $input = 'Beyonce Knowles is married to Jay-Z and KANYE WEST is awesome and San Antonio Texas is great but not as good as West Palm Beach, FL';
    $pattern = '/\p{Lu}+\p{L}*(?:[\s\p{P}]+\p{Lu}+\p{L}*)*/u';
    preg_match_all($pattern, $input, $output_array);

    Produces the array:

        [0] => Array 
                [0] => Beyonce Knowles
                [1] => Jay-Z
                [2] => KANYE WEST
                [3] => San Antonio Texas
                [4] => West Palm Beach, FL
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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