douzhang3898 2015-11-05 05:15
浏览 121


I am currently making a lms in PHP. In the lms, the admin can upload a SCORM (1.2) file which the users will answer, and the result would be saved in the database. (Thought of a table in the form of: userID, scormID, grade)

I have looked through other options such as Moodle, but they don't have the features I need (even with modifications).

If it is not possible to handle SCORM, is there another format exported from storyline 2 that I can use?

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  • dongpa2000 2015-11-06 16:16

    Implementing a basic version of the server part required for SCORM1.2 is easy and here is a quiet long guide explaining the details: - maybe this answers your question. I explicitly say "basic version" because there are many quirks and difficulties to handle if you'd like to support all features of SCORM and even more if you'd like to handle any kind of SCORM1.2 content.


    I'm not well informed about storyline2, but if implementing SCORM is a practicable solution for you, here is a short abstract what you need to do:

    First, you need to implement the import of the SCORM package. This is the easy part:

    • Unzip the ZIP file into a public available folder
    • Parse the imsmanifest.xml. The important stuff are the items and associated resources. You can create a table containing the title of the item and the entry url of the associated resource (SCO). For a simple implementation this should be enough

    Second, you need to implement the runtime environment:

    • You require a html wrapper containing an (i)frame loading the entry url of the SCO and the javascript object "API" which provides the SCORM functionality:
      • LMSInitialize: Setup the SCORM environment. Expects an empty string as parameter
      • LMSFinish: Terminate the session. Expects an empty string as parameter
      • LMSGetValue: Retrieve a value from the cmi data model, e.g. "cmi.core.score.raw". Attention: The returned value is always a string!
      • LMSSetValue: Set a value from the cmi data model
      • LMSCommit: Tell the LMS to store the cmi data model permanently. If you implement LMSSetValue to write the values directly to the database, you can make a stub implementation
      • LMSGetLastError: Retrieve the last error code
      • LMSGetErrorString: For a simple implementation, just return the provided error code
      • LMSGetDiagnostic: For a simple implementation, just return the provided error code
    • The API holds the "cmi" data model, which holds for example the username, score, lesson status, etc.

    As I said, this is just an abstract, but there is a lot of literature about this subject. Here is one more source:

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