so I have this modular web application that has doctrine2 intergrated with zend framework 1.12.
So I want to return one object base on the request uri, for example: url/api/people/1, which return the person one base on their id.
*side note, I can return all objects of people, I just want to select one object once the user enter's a number.
What I have tried, was to grab the parameter from the url and just pass it through the find function, but doctrine doesn't understand these numbers passed through the uri, and believes they're actions.
$request = $this->getRequest();
$id = $request->getParam('peopleId');
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$peopleRepo = $em->getRepository('API\Entity\People');
$people = $peopleRepo->find(3); //$id goes into find function
$resultArray[] =
'id' => $people->getId(),
'firstname' => $people->getFirstName(),
'lastname' => $people->getLastName(),
"food" => $people->getFavoriteFood()
echo json_encode($resultArray, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
*****EDIT***** So I have added code that I can manually find one person, but I want to do that through the url, how can I achieve this?