dtng5978 2014-02-27 12:27
浏览 100

获取UTF-8文件名以使用PHP ZipArchive

I have a file that I want to add to a Zip with PHP, which is encoded in UTF-8. Here is the filename: 'µ漢字ääÖÅ.txt'.

Now, to get this file even to save to the filesystem I had to do this:

$filename = "µ漢字ääÖÅ.txt";
$codepage = 'Windows-' . trim(strstr(setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0), '.'), '.');
$encoded_filename = iconv('UTF-8', $codepage.'//IGNORE', $filename);
file_put_contents($encoded_filename, "text");

Now when I want to add the file to the ziparchive I use the following code:

$zip = new \ZipArchive();
$zip->open('test.zip', \ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
$zip->addFile($encoded_filename, $encoded_filename);

Which results in a zip file containing the file name 'ÁõõÍ+.txt'. How do I get it to save correctly?

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  • doujiong2533 2014-02-27 14:40

    I have found an answer (sort of). In the example above $encoded_filename was changed from UTF-8 to Windows-1252 encoding to save to the filesystem. I have no idea why but Windows-1252 works when saving directly to the filesystem but NOT when saving to a zip using ZipArchive.

    To fix this I had to encode the $filename yet again to a different encoding, CP858.


    $filename = "µ漢字ääÖÅ.txt";
    //encode to windows-1252 to save to the filesystem
    $encoded_filename = iconv("UTF-8","Windows-1252//IGNORE",$filename);
    file_put_contents($encoded_filename, "text");
    //put in a zip file
    $zip = new \ZipArchive();
    $zip->open('test.zip', \ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE);
    //encode as CP858 to save into zip file
    $zip->addFile($encoded_filename, iconv("UTF-8", "CP858//IGNORE", $filename));

    In the above example it still doesn't handle the Japanese characters in the file name, but at least it handles European characters which will have to do for the time being.

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