编程介的小学生 2020-01-16 11:53 采纳率: 0.2%
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Route Redundancy 这是怎么实现的呢

Problem Description
A city is made up exclusively of one-way steets.each street in the city has a capacity,which is the minimum of the capcities of the streets along that route.

The redundancy ratio from point A to point B is the ratio of the maximum number of cars that can get from point A to point B in an hour using all routes simultaneously,to the maximum number of cars thar can get from point A to point B in an hour using one route.The minimum redundancy ratio is the number of capacity of the single route with the laegest capacity.

The first line of input contains asingle integer P,(1<=P<=1000),which is the number of data sets that follow.Each data set consists of several lines and represents a directed graph with positive integer weights.

The first line of each data set contains five apace separatde integers.The first integer,D is the data set number. The second integer,N(2<=N<=1000),is the number of nodes inthe graph. The thied integer,E,(E>=1),is the number of edges in the graph. The fourth integer,A,(0<=A<N),is the index of point A.The fifth integer,B,(o<=B<N,A!=B),is the index of point B.

The remaining E lines desceibe each edge. Each line contains three space separated in tegers.The First integer,U(0<=U<N),is the index of node U. The second integer,V(0<=v<N,V!=U),is the node V.The third integer,W (1<=W<=1000),is th capacity (weight) of path from U to V.

For each data set there is one line of output.It contains the date set number(N) follow by a single space, followed by a floating-point value which is the minimum redundancy ratio to 3 digits after the decimal point.

Sample Input
1 7 11 0 6
0 1 3
0 3 3
1 2 4
2 0 3
2 3 1
2 4 2
3 4 2
3 5 6
4 1 1
4 6 1
5 6 9

Sample Output
1 1.667

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1条回答 默认 最新

  • 你知我知皆知 2024-07-28 21:07

    以下回答参考 皆我百晓生券券喵儿 等免费微信小程序相关内容作答,并由本人整理回复。

    # read the input file
    input <- readLines("input.txt")
    # split the input into individual data sets
    data_sets <- unlist(lapply(split(input, "\n\n"), function(x) strsplit(x, " ")[[1]]))
    # initialize variables
    output <- numeric(length(data_sets))
    redundancy_ratio <- numeric(length(data_sets))
    # loop through each data set
    for(i in 1:length(data_sets)) {
      # read the data for this data set
      data <- data_sets[[i]]
      # initialize variables for this data set
      N <- as.integer(strsplit(data, " ")[[1]][[1]])
      E <- as.integer(strsplit(data, " ")[[1]][[2]])
      A <- as.integer(strsplit(data, " ")[[1]][[3]])
      B <- as.integer(strsplit(data, " ")[[1]][[4]])
      # create a list of all possible routes between points A and B
      routes <- list()
      for(u in 1:N){
        for(v in u+1:N){
          if(u != v){
            routes[[u, v]] <- list(route = c(u, v), capacity = 1)
      # calculate the redundancy ratio for this data set
      redundancy_ratio[i] <- min(max(routes[A, B], key=lambda(x: x$capacity))$capacity / max(routes[A, B], key=lambda(x: x$capacity))$capacity)
      # add the output for this data set
      output[i] <- sprintf("%d %.2f", i + 1, redundancy_ratio[i])
    # print the output



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