dongtun3328 2016-09-22 19:46
浏览 83

依赖注入和模型实体 - 正确的方法?

My symfony2 application has the following structure:

There is a service data_provider, which gets data from various external sources and represents it as entity objects.

Some objects has relations. Currently I am loading relations in controller or helper-services if needed.

It is not very convenient, sometimes I want to get relations from my entity ojbect. To do this I need access to data_provider service.

I want to implement something like doctrine lazy-loading, what is the right way of doing this ?

Some obvious solutions - to inject data_provider in every entity instacne, or to some static property, or to make some static methods in service, or to use evenet dispatcher, but I don't think it is the right way

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  • dsxxqndv41105 2016-09-29 18:33

    Made some research of ObjectManagerInterface as Cerad suggested, and found this peace of code:

    PersistentObject implements ObjectManagerAware interface, it has private static property where ObjectManager is stored.

    So I ended with this:

    class DataProvider
        public function __construct() 
    abstract class AbstractEntity
        private static $dataProvider;
        public static function setDataProvider() {...};
        protected static function getDataProvider() {...};
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