I am using a script to send a "$filename" variable from flash to PHP in order to create an xml file. The problem is that when I am typing Greek Characters as Filename the filename on the server gets values such as these for example: (δσωδσαωςεωςεβ.qxml)
I do not have any problem a) When writing english characters, b) When writing greek characters data in the xml file.
I am using file_put_contents function.
If instead of getting the Post variable as filename, I set my own filename such as "Ελληνικά.qxml" it works without a problem.
Thanks a lot in advance.
$string = $_POST['xmldata'];
$filename = $_POST['filename'];
$path = "test/";
//$dir_handle = @opendir($path) or mkdir("{$path}", 0777, true);
file_put_contents($path."/".$filename."", $string);
This problem was solved, but another arose. When I try to open the file from flash it does not recognise it now because it is in Greek.