DHCP Release:
// DHCP Message Types
#define DHCP_RELEASE 7
using namespace std;
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _ETHERNET_HEADER {
unsigned char DestAddress[6];
unsigned char SrcAddress[6];
unsigned short Type;
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _IPV4_HEADER {
unsigned char VersionAndHeaderLength;
unsigned char TypeOfService;
unsigned short TotalLength;
unsigned short Identification;
unsigned short FlagsAndFragmentOffset;
unsigned char TimeToLive;
unsigned char Protocol;
unsigned short HeaderChecksum;
unsigned int SourceIpAddress;
unsigned int DestinationIpAddress;
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _UDP_HEADER {
unsigned short SourcePort;
unsigned short DestinationPort;
unsigned short Length;
unsigned short Checksum;
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct _DHCP_MESSAGE {
unsigned char OpCode;
unsigned char HardwareType;
unsigned char HardwareAddressLength;
unsigned char Hops;
unsigned int TransactionID;
unsigned short SecondsElapsed;
unsigned short Flags;
unsigned int ClientIPAddress;
unsigned int YourIPAddress;
unsigned int ServerIPAddress;
unsigned int GatewayIPAddress;
unsigned char ClientHardwareAddress[16];
unsigned char ServerName[64];
unsigned char BootFileName[128];
unsigned int MagicCookie;
unsigned char Options[308]; // Maximum option size is 312 bytes (DHCPv4) or 576 bytes (DHCPv6)
#pragma pack(pop)
unsigned short ip_checksum(unsigned short* buffer, int size)
unsigned long cksum = 0;
while (size > 1)
cksum += *buffer++;
size -= sizeof(unsigned short);
if (size)
cksum += *(unsigned char*)buffer;
cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xFFFF);
cksum += (cksum >> 16);
return (unsigned short)(~cksum);
unsigned short udp_checksum(unsigned short* buffer, int size, unsigned int srcAddr, unsigned int destAddr)
unsigned long cksum = 0;
// Pseudo-Header
cksum += (srcAddr >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
cksum += srcAddr & 0xFFFF;
cksum += (destAddr >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
cksum += destAddr & 0xFFFF;
cksum += htons(IPPROTO_UDP);
cksum += htons(size);
// UDP header
while (size > 1)
cksum += *buffer++;
size -= sizeof(unsigned short);
if (size)
cksum += *(unsigned char*)buffer;
cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xFFFF);
cksum += (cksum >> 16);
return (unsigned short)(~cksum);
unsigned char* get_pack_data(string Myip, string MygatewayIP, string MymacAdd, string keyword)
// Ethernet header
ETHERNET_HEADER ethHdr = { 0 };
memcpy(ethHdr.DestAddress, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF", 6); // Broadcast address
memcpy(ethHdr.SrcAddress, MymacAdd.c_str(), 6); // Your own MAC address
ethHdr.Type = htons(0x0800); // IPv4
// IP header
IPV4_HEADER ipHdr = { 0 };
ipHdr.VersionAndHeaderLength = 0x45;
ipHdr.TypeOfService = 0;
ipHdr.TotalLength = htons(sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + sizeof(DHCP_MESSAGE));
ipHdr.Identification = 0;
ipHdr.FlagsAndFragmentOffset = 0;
ipHdr.TimeToLive = 128;
ipHdr.Protocol = IPPROTO_UDP;
ipHdr.SourceIpAddress = inet_addr(Myip.c_str()); // Your own IP address
ipHdr.DestinationIpAddress = inet_addr(""); // Broadcast address
ipHdr.HeaderChecksum = ip_checksum((unsigned short*)&ipHdr, sizeof(IPV4_HEADER));
// UDP header
UDP_HEADER udpHdr = { 0 };
udpHdr.SourcePort = htons(DHCP_CLIENT_PORT);
udpHdr.DestinationPort = htons(DHCP_SERVER_PORT);
udpHdr.Length = htons(sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + sizeof(DHCP_MESSAGE));
udpHdr.Checksum = udp_checksum((unsigned short*)&udpHdr, sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + sizeof(DHCP_MESSAGE), ipHdr.SourceIpAddress, ipHdr.DestinationIpAddress);
// DHCP message
DHCP_MESSAGE dhcpMsg = { 0 };
dhcpMsg.OpCode = 1; // BOOTP request
dhcpMsg.HardwareType = 1; // Ethernet
dhcpMsg.HardwareAddressLength = 6; // MAC address length
dhcpMsg.TransactionID = htonl(0x12345678); // Unique transaction ID
dhcpMsg.ClientIPAddress = inet_addr(""); //
dhcpMsg.YourIPAddress = inet_addr("");
dhcpMsg.ServerIPAddress = inet_addr("");
dhcpMsg.GatewayIPAddress = inet_addr(MygatewayIP.c_str()); // Your gateway IP address
memcpy(dhcpMsg.ClientHardwareAddress, MymacAdd.c_str(), 6); // Your own MAC address
dhcpMsg.MagicCookie = htonl(0x63825363); // Magic cookie
// DHCP options
unsigned char* pOption = dhcpMsg.Options;
*pOption++ = 53; // Option 53: DHCP Message Type
*pOption++ = 1; // Length
if (keyword == "Release") {
*pOption++ = DHCP_RELEASE; // DHCP Release message
else {
*pOption++ = DHCP_DISCOVER; // DHCP Discover message
*pOption++ = 255; // End of options marker
// Output the DHCP packet as a hexadecimal string
unsigned char* pPacket = (unsigned char*)ðHdr;
int packetSize = sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER) + sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + sizeof(DHCP_MESSAGE);
unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[packetSize];
memcpy(data, pPacket, packetSize);
return data;
int main()
string Myip = "";
string MygatewayIP = "";
string MymacAdd = "\x1C\x1B\x0D\xB3\x8A\x25";
// Generate DHCP Release packet
unsigned char* pPacket_release = get_pack_data(Myip, MygatewayIP, MymacAdd, "Release");
// Output the DHCP Release packet as a hexadecimal string
cout << "DHCP Release:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER) + sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + sizeof(DHCP_MESSAGE); i++)
cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << hex << (int)pPacket_release[i];
cout << endl;
delete[] pPacket_release;
// Generate DHCP Discover packet
unsigned char* pPacket_discover = get_pack_data(Myip, MygatewayIP, MymacAdd, "Discover");
// Output the DHCP Discover packet as a hexadecimal string
cout << "Discover:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(ETHERNET_HEADER) + sizeof(IPV4_HEADER) + sizeof(UDP_HEADER) + sizeof(DHCP_MESSAGE); i++)
cout << setw(2) << setfill('0') << hex << (int)pPacket_discover[i];
cout << endl;
delete[] pPacket_discover;
return 0;