明月jq 2021-07-09 16:09 采纳率: 0%
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关于ros 获取深度信息转激光雷达信号程序编译出错找不到问题





#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <image_transport/image_transport.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <dynamic_reconfigure/server.h>
#include <depthimage_to_laserscan/DepthConfig.h>

#include <depthimage_to_laserscan/DepthImageToLaserScan.h>

namespace depthimage_to_laserscan
  class DepthImageToLaserScanROS
    DepthImageToLaserScanROS(ros::NodeHandle& n, ros::NodeHandle& pnh);


     * Callback for image_transport
     * Synchronized callback for depth image and camera info.  Publishes laserscan at the end of this callback.
     * @param depth_msg Image provided by image_transport.
     * @param info_msg CameraInfo provided by image_transport.
    void depthCb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_msg,
          const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info_msg);

     * Callback that is called when there is a new subscriber.
     * Will not subscribe to the image and camera_info until we have a subscriber for our LaserScan (lazy subscribing).
    void connectCb(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub);

     * Callback called when a subscriber unsubscribes.
     * If all current subscribers of our LaserScan stop listening, stop subscribing (lazy subscribing).
    void disconnectCb(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub);

     * Dynamic reconfigure callback.
     * Callback that is used to set each of the parameters insde the DepthImageToLaserScan object.
     * @param config Dynamic Reconfigure object.
     * @param level Dynamic Reconfigure level.
    void reconfigureCb(depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthConfig& config, uint32_t level);

    ros::NodeHandle pnh_; ///< Private nodehandle used to generate the transport hints in the connectCb.
    image_transport::ImageTransport it_; ///< Subscribes to synchronized Image CameraInfo pairs.
    image_transport::CameraSubscriber sub_; ///< Subscriber for image_transport
    ros::Publisher pub_; ///< Publisher for output LaserScan messages
    dynamic_reconfigure::Server<depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthConfig> srv_; ///< Dynamic reconfigure server

    depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthImageToLaserScan dtl_; ///< Instance of the DepthImageToLaserScan conversion class.

    boost::mutex connect_mutex_; ///< Prevents the connectCb and disconnectCb from being called until everything is initialized.

}; // depthimage_to_laserscan




#include <sensor_msgs/Image.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/LaserScan.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
#include <image_geometry/pinhole_camera_model.h>
#include <depthimage_to_laserscan/depth_traits.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <limits.h>
#include <math.h>

namespace depthimage_to_laserscan
  class DepthImageToLaserScan

     * Converts the information in a depth image (sensor_msgs::Image) to a sensor_msgs::LaserScan.
     * This function converts the information in the depth encoded image (UInt16 or Float32 encoding) into
     * a sensor_msgs::LaserScan as accurately as possible.  To do this, it requires the synchornized Image/CameraInfo
     * pair associated with the image.
     * @param depth_msg UInt16 or Float32 encoded depth image.
     * @param info_msg CameraInfo associated with depth_msg
     * @return sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr for the center row(s) of the depth image.
    sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr convert_msg(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_msg,
                       const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info_msg);
     * Sets the scan time parameter.
     * This function stores the desired value for scan_time.  In sensor_msgs::LaserScan, scan_time is defined as
     * "time between scans [seconds]".  This value is not easily calculated from consquetive messages, and is thus
     * left to the user to set correctly.
     * @param scan_time The value to use for outgoing sensor_msgs::LaserScan.
    void set_scan_time(const float scan_time);

     * Sets the minimum and maximum range for the sensor_msgs::LaserScan.
     * range_min is used to determine how close of a value to allow through when multiple radii correspond to the same
     * angular increment.  range_max is used to set the output message.
     * @param range_min Minimum range to assign points to the laserscan, also minimum range to use points in the output scan.
     * @param range_max Maximum range to use points in the output scan.
    void set_range_limits(const float range_min, const float range_max);

     * Sets the number of image rows to use in the output LaserScan.
     * scan_height is the number of rows (pixels) to use in the output.  This will provide scan_height number of radii for each
     * angular increment.  The output scan will output the closest radius that is still not smaller than range_min.  This function
     * can be used to vertically compress obstacles into a single LaserScan.
     * @param scan_height Number of pixels centered around the center of the image to compress into the LaserScan.
    void set_scan_height(const int scan_height);

     * Sets the frame_id for the output LaserScan.
     * Output frame_id for the LaserScan.  Will probably NOT be the same frame_id as the depth image.
     * Example: For OpenNI cameras, this should be set to 'camera_depth_frame' while the camera uses 'camera_depth_optical_frame'.
     * @param output_frame_id Frame_id to use for the output sensor_msgs::LaserScan.
    void set_output_frame(const std::string& output_frame_id);

     * Computes euclidean length of a cv::Point3d (as a ray from origin)
     * This function computes the length of a cv::Point3d assumed to be a vector starting at the origin (0,0,0).
     * @param ray The ray for which the magnitude is desired.
     * @return Returns the magnitude of the ray.
    double magnitude_of_ray(const cv::Point3d& ray) const;

     * Computes the angle between two cv::Point3d
     * Computes the angle of two cv::Point3d assumed to be vectors starting at the origin (0,0,0).
     * Uses the following equation: angle = arccos(a*b/(|a||b|)) where a = ray1 and b = ray2.
     * @param ray1 The first ray
     * @param ray2 The second ray
     * @return The angle between the two rays (in radians)
    double angle_between_rays(const cv::Point3d& ray1, const cv::Point3d& ray2) const;

     * Determines whether or not new_value should replace old_value in the LaserScan.
     * Uses the values of range_min, and range_max to determine if new_value is a valid point.  Then it determines if
     * new_value is 'more ideal' (currently shorter range) than old_value.
     * @param new_value The current calculated range.
     * @param old_value The current range in the output LaserScan.
     * @param range_min The minimum acceptable range for the output LaserScan.
     * @param range_max The maximum acceptable range for the output LaserScan.
     * @return If true, insert new_value into the output LaserScan.
    bool use_point(const float new_value, const float old_value, const float range_min, const float range_max) const;

    * Converts the depth image to a laserscan using the DepthTraits to assist.
    * This uses a method to inverse project each pixel into a LaserScan angular increment.  This method first projects the pixel
    * forward into Cartesian coordinates, then calculates the range and angle for this point.  When multiple points coorespond to
    * a specific angular measurement, then the shortest range is used.
    * @param depth_msg The UInt16 or Float32 encoded depth message.
    * @param cam_model The image_geometry camera model for this image.
    * @param scan_msg The output LaserScan.
    * @param scan_height The number of vertical pixels to feed into each angular_measurement.
    template<typename T>
    void convert(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_msg, const image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel& cam_model,
        const sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr& scan_msg, const int& scan_height) const{
      // Use correct principal point from calibration
      const float center_x = cam_model.cx();
      const float center_y = cam_model.cy();

      // Combine unit conversion (if necessary) with scaling by focal length for computing (X,Y)
      const double unit_scaling = depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthTraits<T>::toMeters( T(1) );
      const float constant_x = unit_scaling / cam_model.fx();
      const float constant_y = unit_scaling / cam_model.fy(); // line 181

      const T* depth_row = reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&depth_msg->data[0]);
      const int row_step = depth_msg->step / sizeof(T);

      const int offset = (int)(center_y - scan_height/2);
      depth_row += offset*row_step; // Offset to center of image

      for(int v = offset; v < offset+scan_height_; ++v, depth_row += row_step){
        for (int u = 0; u < (int)depth_msg->width; ++u) // Loop over each pixel in row
          const T depth = depth_row[u];

          double r = depth; // Assign to pass through NaNs and Infs
          const double th = -atan2((double)(u - center_x) * constant_x, unit_scaling); // Atan2(x, z), but depth divides out
          const int index = (th - scan_msg->angle_min) / scan_msg->angle_increment;

          if (depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthTraits<T>::valid(depth)){ // Not NaN or Inf
            // Calculate in XYZ
            double x = (u - center_x) * depth * constant_x;
            double z = depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthTraits<T>::toMeters(depth);

            // Calculate actual distance
            r = hypot(x, z);
            double y = (v - center_y) * depth * constant_y; //line 205
                r = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
          // Determine if this point should be used.
          if(use_point(r, scan_msg->ranges[index], scan_msg->range_min, scan_msg->range_max)){
            scan_msg->ranges[index] = r;
    image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel cam_model_; ///< image_geometry helper class for managing sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages.

    float scan_time_; ///< Stores the time between scans.
    float range_min_; ///< Stores the current minimum range to use.
    float range_max_; ///< Stores the current maximum range to use.
    int scan_height_; ///< Number of pixel rows to use when producing a laserscan from an area.
    std::string output_frame_id_; ///< Output frame_id for each laserscan.  This is likely NOT the camera's frame_id.

}; // depthimage_to_laserscan



#include <depthimage_to_laserscan/DepthImageToLaserScan.h>

using namespace depthimage_to_laserscan;

  : scan_time_(1./30.)
  , range_min_(0.45)
  , range_max_(10.0)
  , scan_height_(1)

  void set_y_thresh(const float ythresh_min, const float ythresh_max);
  float ythresh_min_;
  float ythresh_max_;

double DepthImageToLaserScan::magnitude_of_ray(const cv::Point3d& ray) const{
  return sqrt(pow(ray.x, 2.0) + pow(ray.y, 2.0) + pow(ray.z, 2.0));

double DepthImageToLaserScan::angle_between_rays(const cv::Point3d& ray1, const cv::Point3d& ray2) const{
  const double dot_product = ray1.x*ray2.x + ray1.y*ray2.y + ray1.z*ray2.z;
  const double magnitude1 = magnitude_of_ray(ray1);
  const double magnitude2 = magnitude_of_ray(ray2);;
  return acos(dot_product / (magnitude1 * magnitude2));

bool DepthImageToLaserScan::use_point(const float new_value, const float old_value, const float range_min, const float range_max) const{
  // Check for NaNs and Infs, a real number within our limits is more desirable than these.
  const bool new_finite = std::isfinite(new_value);
  const bool old_finite = std::isfinite(old_value);

  // Infs are preferable over NaNs (more information)
  if(!new_finite && !old_finite){ // Both are not NaN or Inf.
    if(!std::isnan(new_value)){ // new is not NaN, so use it's +-Inf value.
      return true;
    return false; // Do not replace old_value

  // If not in range, don't bother
  const bool range_check = range_min <= new_value && new_value <= range_max;
    return false;

  if(!old_finite){ // New value is in range and finite, use it.
    return true;

  // Finally, if they are both numerical and new_value is closer than old_value, use new_value.
  const bool shorter_check = new_value < old_value;
  return shorter_check;

sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr DepthImageToLaserScan::convert_msg(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_msg,
        const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info_msg){
  // Set camera model

  // Calculate angle_min and angle_max by measuring angles between the left ray, right ray, and optical center ray
  cv::Point2d raw_pixel_left(0, cam_model_.cy());
  cv::Point2d rect_pixel_left = cam_model_.rectifyPoint(raw_pixel_left);
  cv::Point3d left_ray = cam_model_.projectPixelTo3dRay(rect_pixel_left);

  cv::Point2d raw_pixel_right(depth_msg->width-1, cam_model_.cy());
  cv::Point2d rect_pixel_right = cam_model_.rectifyPoint(raw_pixel_right);
  cv::Point3d right_ray = cam_model_.projectPixelTo3dRay(rect_pixel_right);

  cv::Point2d raw_pixel_center(cam_model_.cx(), cam_model_.cy());
  cv::Point2d rect_pixel_center = cam_model_.rectifyPoint(raw_pixel_center);
  cv::Point3d center_ray = cam_model_.projectPixelTo3dRay(rect_pixel_center);

  const double angle_max = angle_between_rays(left_ray, center_ray);
  const double angle_min = -angle_between_rays(center_ray, right_ray); // Negative because the laserscan message expects an opposite rotation of that from the depth image

  // Fill in laserscan message
  sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr scan_msg(new sensor_msgs::LaserScan());
  scan_msg->header = depth_msg->header;
  if(output_frame_id_.length() > 0){
    scan_msg->header.frame_id = output_frame_id_;
  scan_msg->angle_min = angle_min;
  scan_msg->angle_max = angle_max;
  scan_msg->angle_increment = (scan_msg->angle_max - scan_msg->angle_min) / (depth_msg->width - 1);
  scan_msg->time_increment = 0.0;
  scan_msg->scan_time = scan_time_;
  scan_msg->range_min = range_min_;
  scan_msg->range_max = range_max_;

  // Check scan_height vs image_height
  if(scan_height_/2 > cam_model_.cy() || scan_height_/2 > depth_msg->height - cam_model_.cy()){
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "scan_height ( " << scan_height_ << " pixels) is too large for the image height.";
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

  // Calculate and fill the ranges
  const uint32_t ranges_size = depth_msg->width;
  scan_msg->ranges.assign(ranges_size, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());

  if (depth_msg->encoding == sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16UC1)
    convert<uint16_t>(depth_msg, cam_model_, scan_msg, scan_height_);
  else if (depth_msg->encoding == sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_32FC1)
    convert<float>(depth_msg, cam_model_, scan_msg, scan_height_);
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "Depth image has unsupported encoding: " << depth_msg->encoding;
    throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());

  return scan_msg;

void DepthImageToLaserScan::set_scan_time(const float scan_time){
  scan_time_ = scan_time;

void DepthImageToLaserScan::set_range_limits(const float range_min, const float range_max){
  range_min_ = range_min;
  range_max_ = range_max;

void DepthImageToLaserScan::set_scan_height(const int scan_height){
  scan_height_ = scan_height;

void DepthImageToLaserScan::set_output_frame(const std::string& output_frame_id){
  output_frame_id_ = output_frame_id;

void DepthImageToLaserScan::set_y_thresh(const float ythresh_min, const float ythresh_max){
  ythresh_min_ = ythresh_min;
  ythresh_max_ = ythresh_max;


#include <depthimage_to_laserscan/DepthImageToLaserScanROS.h>

using namespace depthimage_to_laserscan;

DepthImageToLaserScanROS::DepthImageToLaserScanROS(ros::NodeHandle& n, ros::NodeHandle& pnh):pnh_(pnh), it_(n), srv_(pnh) {
  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(connect_mutex_);

  // Dynamic Reconfigure
  dynamic_reconfigure::Server<depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthConfig>::CallbackType f;
  f = boost::bind(&DepthImageToLaserScanROS::reconfigureCb, this, _1, _2);

  // Lazy subscription to depth image topic
  pub_ = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::LaserScan>("scan", 10, boost::bind(&DepthImageToLaserScanROS::connectCb, this, _1), boost::bind(&DepthImageToLaserScanROS::disconnectCb, this, _1));


void DepthImageToLaserScanROS::depthCb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& depth_msg,
        const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info_msg){
    sensor_msgs::LaserScanPtr scan_msg = dtl_.convert_msg(depth_msg, info_msg);
  catch (std::runtime_error& e)
    ROS_ERROR_THROTTLE(1.0, "Could not convert depth image to laserscan: %s", e.what());

void DepthImageToLaserScanROS::connectCb(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub) {
  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(connect_mutex_);
  if (!sub_ && pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0) {
    ROS_DEBUG("Connecting to depth topic.");
    image_transport::TransportHints hints("raw", ros::TransportHints(), pnh_);
    sub_ = it_.subscribeCamera("image", 10, &DepthImageToLaserScanROS::depthCb, this, hints);

void DepthImageToLaserScanROS::disconnectCb(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub) {
  boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(connect_mutex_);
  if (pub_.getNumSubscribers() == 0) {
    ROS_DEBUG("Unsubscribing from depth topic.");

void DepthImageToLaserScanROS::reconfigureCb(depthimage_to_laserscan::DepthConfig& config, uint32_t level){
    dtl_.set_range_limits(config.range_min, config.range_max);
    dtl_.set_y_thresh(config.ythresh_min, config.ythresh_max);
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  • 有问必答小助手 2021-07-14 14:06







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