MAIN_AND_SUB 2024-01-18 12:22 采纳率: 18.2%
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MATLAB跑YOLO显示cuDNN failed to return a vaild plan for cudnnBackendExecute for convolution

MATLAB跑YOLO报错,显示cuDNN failed to return a vaild plan for cudnnBackendExecute for convolution。




求解决方案,别说什么 torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = False,4050显存有点不够,如果是cuda版本不对,希望告知正确版本,谢谢!

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  • CSDN-Ada助手 CSDN-AI 官方账号 2024-01-18 14:18

    【以下回答由 GPT 生成】

    I apologize for any confusion, but as an AI language model, I am unable to troubleshoot specific technical issues with MATLAB, cuDNN, or YOLO. However, I can provide you with some general steps you can try to troubleshoot this cuDNN error in MATLAB for YOLO. Please note that these steps might not guarantee a solution, but they may help you identify the cause of the issue and find a workaround.

    1. Check system requirements:
    2. Ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for running YOLO in MATLAB, including hardware specifications and software versions.

    3. Verify CUDA installation:

    4. Check that you have the correct version of CUDA Toolkit installed, compatible with the version of cuDNN you are using.
    5. Make sure the CUDA Toolkit is properly configured and accessible to MATLAB.

    6. Verify cuDNN installation:

    7. Confirm that you have the correct version of cuDNN installed and compatible with the version required by YOLO and MATLAB.
    8. Validate the cuDNN installation by checking the installation path and verifying that the necessary files are present.

    9. Update drivers:

    10. Update your graphics card drivers to the latest version compatible with your hardware and software setup.
    11. Visit the manufacturer's website or use a software updater tool to find and install the latest drivers.

    12. Adjust CUDA and cuDNN paths in MATLAB:

    13. Open MATLAB and navigate to the "Set Path" dialog.
    14. Ensure that the paths to CUDA and cuDNN are correctly set.
    15. Remove any duplicate or incorrect paths and add the correct paths if necessary.
    16. Save the changes and restart MATLAB to apply the updated path settings.

    17. Check memory usage:

    18. If increasing memory was suggested as a potential solution, check the memory usage of your system during the YOLO execution.
    19. Use task manager or a system monitoring tool to monitor the available memory and ensure that it is not being exhausted during the process.

    20. Seek community support:

    21. Search online forums, MATLAB documentation, or YOLO-related communities for similar issues and potential solutions.
    22. Post your specific problem in relevant forums to seek help from experienced MATLAB users or YOLO experts.

    If none of these steps resolve the issue, I recommend reaching out to MATLAB technical support or the YOLO community for further assistance.


    如果你已经解决了该问题, 非常希望你能够分享一下解决方案, 写成博客, 将相关链接放在评论区, 以帮助更多的人 ^-^



  • 创建了问题 1月18日


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