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  • shiter 人工智能领域优质创作者 2022-06-18 23:19


    论文题目:DODRIO: Exploring Transformer Models with Interactive Visualization



    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
    Evaluation Method for summarization tasks, including BLUE and ROUGE score
    Visualization of Attention Mask Matrix: plot_attention() method
    from __future__ import absolute_import
    from __future__ import division
    from __future__ import print_function
    import os
    import sys
    import matplotlib
    matplotlib.use('Agg') # Must be before importing matplotlib.pyplot or pylab!
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # drawing heat map of attention weights
    plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif']=['SimSun'] # set font family
    import time
    def evaluate(X, Y, method = "rouge_n", n = 2):
      score = 0.0
      if (method == "rouge_n") :
        score = eval_rouge_n(X, Y, n)
      elif (method == "rouge_l"):
        score = eval_rouge_l(X, Y)
      elif (method == "bleu"):
        score = eval_bleu(X, Y, n)
        print ("method not found")
        score = 0.0
      return score
    def eval_bleu(y_candidate, y_reference, n = 2):
        y_candidate: list of words, machine generated prediction
        y_reference: list of list, [[], [],], human generated referenced line
        rouge_n score:double, maximum of pairwise rouge-n score
      if (type(y_reference[0]) != list):
        print ('y_reference should be list of list')
      m = len(y_reference)
      bleu_score = 0.0
      ngram_cand = generate_ngrams(y_candidate, n)
      total_cand_count = len(ngram_cand)
      ngram_ref_list = [] # list of ngrams for each reference sentence
      for i in range(m): 
        ngram_ref_list.append(generate_ngrams(y_reference[i], n))
      total_clip_count = 0
      for tuple in set(ngram_cand):
        # for each unique n-gram tuple in ngram_cand, calculate the clipped count
        cand_count = count_element(ngram_cand, tuple)
        max_ref_count = 0 # max_ref_count for this tuple in the references sentences
        for i in range(m): 
          # tuple count in reference sentence i
          num = count_element(ngram_ref_list[i], tuple)
          max_ref_count = num if max_ref_count < num else max_ref_count # compare max_ref_count and num
        total_clip_count += min(cand_count, max_ref_count)  
      bleu_score = total_clip_count/total_cand_count
      return bleu_score
    def count_element(list, element):
      if element in list:
        return list.count(element)
        return 0
    def eval_rouge_n(y_candidate, y_reference, n = 2):
        y_candidate: list of words, machine generated prediction
        y_reference: list of list, [[], [],], human generated referenced line
        rouge_n score:double, maximum of pairwise rouge-n score
      if (type(y_reference[0]) != list):
        print ('y_reference should be list of list')
      m = len(y_reference)
      rouge_score = []
      ngram_cand = generate_ngrams(y_candidate, n)
      for i in range(m):
        ngram_ref = generate_ngrams(y_reference[i], n)
        num_match = count_match(ngram_cand, ngram_ref)
      return max(rouge_score)
    def generate_ngrams(input_list, n):
      zip(x, x[1:,],x[2,],...x[n,]), end with shorted list
      return zip(*[input_list[i:] for i in range(n)])
    def count_match(listA, listB):
      match_list = [tuple for tuple in listA if tuple in listB]
      return len(match_list)
    def eval_rouge_l(y_candidate, y_reference):
        y_candidate: list of words, machine generated prediction
        y_reference: list of list, [[], [],], human generated referenced line
        rouge_l score:double, F1 score of longest common sequence
      if (type(y_reference[0]) != list):
        print ('y_reference should be list of list')
      K = len(y_reference)
      lcs_count = 0.0
      total_cand = len(y_candidate) # total of candidate words
      total_ref = 0.0  # total of reference words
      for k in range(K):
        cur_lcs = LCS(y_candidate, y_reference[k])
        lcs_count += len(cur_lcs)
        total_ref += len(y_reference[k])
      recall = lcs_count/total_ref
      precision = lcs_count/total_cand
      beta = 8.0 # coefficient
      f1 = (1 + beta * beta) * precision * recall/(recall + beta * beta * precision)
      return f1
    def LCS(X, Y):
      '''Get the element of longest common sequence
      length, flag = calc_LCS(X, Y)
      common_seq_rev = [] # reverse sequence
      # starting from end of X and Y
      start_token = "START"
      X_new = [start_token] + list(X)
      Y_new = [start_token] + list(Y)
      i = len(X_new) - 1
      j = len(Y_new) - 1
      while(i >= 0 and j >= 0):
        if (flag[i][j] == 1):
          i -= 1
          j -= 1
        elif (flag[i][j] == 2):
          i -= 1   # i -> i-1
          j -= 1   # flag[i][j] == 3, j -> j-1
      common_seq =[common_seq_rev[len(common_seq_rev) - 1 - i] for i in range(len(common_seq_rev))]
      return common_seq
    def calc_LCS(X, Y):
        Calculate Longest Common Sequence
        Get the length[][] matrix and flag[][] matrix of X and Y;
        length[i][j]: longest common sequence length up to X[i] and Y[j];
        flag[i][j]: path of LCS, (1,2,3) 1: jump diagonal, 2: jump down i-1 ->i, 3: jump right j-1 -> j 
      start_token = "START"
      X_new = [start_token] + list(X) # adding start token to X sequence
      Y_new = [start_token] + list(Y)
      m = len(X_new)
      n = len(Y_new)
      # starting length and flag matrix size : (m + 1) * (n + 1)
      length = [[0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(m)]
      flag = [[0 for j in range(n)] for i in range(m)]
      for i in range(1, m):
        for j in range(1, n):
          if (X_new[i] == Y_new[j]): # compare string
            length[i][j] = length[i-1][j-1] + 1
            flag[i][j] = 1 # diagonal
            if (length[i-1][j] > length[i][j-1]):
              length[i][j] = length[i-1][j]
              flag[i][j] = 2 # (i-1) -> i
              length[i][j] = length[i][j-1]
              flag[i][j] = 3 # (j-1) -> j
      return length, flag
    def plot_attention(data, X_label=None, Y_label=None):
        Plot the attention model heatmap
          data: attn_matrix with shape [ty, tx], cutted before 'PAD'
          X_label: list of size tx, encoder tags
          Y_label: list of size ty, decoder tags
      fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 8)) # set figure size
      heatmap = ax.pcolor(data, cmap=plt.cm.Blues, alpha=0.9)
      # Set axis labels
      if X_label != None and Y_label != None:
        X_label = [x_label.decode('utf-8') for x_label in X_label]
        Y_label = [y_label.decode('utf-8') for y_label in Y_label]
        xticks = range(0,len(X_label))
        ax.set_xticks(xticks, minor=False) # major ticks
        ax.set_xticklabels(X_label, minor = False, rotation=45)   # labels should be 'unicode'
        yticks = range(0,len(Y_label))
        ax.set_yticks(yticks, minor=False)
        ax.set_yticklabels(Y_label, minor = False)   # labels should be 'unicode'
      # Save Figure
      plt.title(u'Attention Heatmap')
      timestamp = int(time.time())
      file_name = 'img/attention_heatmap_' + str(timestamp) + ".jpg"
      print ("Saving figures %s" % file_name)
      fig.savefig(file_name)   # save the figure to file
      plt.close(fig)    # close the figure
    def test():
      #strA = "ABCBDAB"
      #strB = "BDCABA" 
      #m = LCS(strA, strB)
      #listA = ['但是','我', '爱' ,'吃', '肉夹馍']
      #listB = ['我', '不是', '很', '爱', '肉夹馍']
      #m = LCS(listA, listB)
      y_candidate = ['我', '爱', '吃', '北京', '烤鸭']
      y_reference = [['我', '爱', '吃', '北京', '小吃', '烤鸭'], ['他', '爱', '吃', '北京', '烤鹅'],['但是', '我', '很','爱', '吃', '西湖', '醋鱼']]
      p1 = eval_rouge_l(y_candidate, y_reference)
      print ("ROUGE-L score %f" % p1)
      p2 = eval_rouge_n(y_candidate, y_reference, 2)
      print ("ROUGE-N score %f" % p2)
      p3 = eval_bleu(y_candidate, y_reference, 2)
      print ("BLEU score %f" % p3)
    if __name__ == "__main__":



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