带酒书生 2021-07-05 11:38 采纳率: 45.5%
浏览 21


Shader "ShaderMan/MyShader"


    Tags { "RenderType" = "Transparent" "Queue" = "Transparent" }

    ZWrite Off
    Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha

    #pragma vertex vert
    #pragma fragment frag
    #include "UnityCG.cginc"

    struct VertexInput {
    fixed4 vertex : POSITION;
    fixed2 uv:TEXCOORD0;
    fixed4 tangent : TANGENT;
    fixed3 normal : NORMAL;

    struct VertexOutput {
    fixed4 pos : SV_POSITION;
    fixed2 uv:TEXCOORD0;


    //Sci-fi radar based on the work of gmunk for Oblivion

#define SMOOTH(r,R) (1.0-smoothstep(R-1.0,R+1.0, r))
#define RANGE(a,b,x) ( step(a,x)*(1.0-step(b,x)) )
#define RS(a,b,x) ( smoothstep(a-1.0,a+1.0,x)*(1.0-smoothstep(b-1.0,b+1.0,x)) )
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

#define blue1 fixed3(0.74,0.95,1.00)
#define blue2 fixed3(0.87,0.98,1.00)
#define blue3 fixed3(0.35,0.76,0.83)
#define blue4 fixed3(0.953,0.969,0.89)
#define red   fixed3(1.00,0.38,0.227)

#define MOV(a,b,c,d,t) (fixed2(a*cos(t)+b*cos(0.1*(t)), c*sin(t)+d*cos(0.1*(t))))

fixed movingLine(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius)
    //angle of the line
    fixed theta0 = 90.0 * _Time.y;
    fixed2 d = uv - center;
    fixed r = sqrt( dot( d, d ) );
        //compute the distance to the line theta=theta0
        fixed2 p = radius*fixed2(cos(theta0*M_PI/180.0),
        fixed l = length( d - p*clamp( dot(d,p)/dot(p,p), 0.0, 1.0) );
        d = normalize(d);
        //compute gradient based on angle difference to theta0
            fixed theta = fmod(180.0*atan2(d.x,d.y)/M_PI+theta0,360.0);
        fixed gradient = clamp(1.0-theta/90.0,0.0,1.0);
        return SMOOTH(l,1.0)+0.5*gradient;
    else return 0.0;

fixed circle(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius, fixed width)
    fixed r = length(uv - center);
    return SMOOTH(r-width/2.0,radius)-SMOOTH(r+width/2.0,radius);

fixed circle2(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius, fixed width, fixed opening)
    fixed2 d = uv - center;
    fixed r = sqrt( dot( d, d ) );
    d = normalize(d);
    if( abs(d.y) > opening )
        return SMOOTH(r-width/2.0,radius)-SMOOTH(r+width/2.0,radius);
        return 0.0;
fixed circle3(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius, fixed width)
    fixed2 d = uv - center;
    fixed r = sqrt( dot( d, d ) );
    d = normalize(d);
    fixed theta = 180.0*(atan2(d.x,d.y)/M_PI);
    return smoothstep(2.0, 2.1, abs(fmod(theta+2.0,45.0)-2.0)) *
        lerp( 0.5, 1.0, step(45.0, abs(fmod(theta, 180.0)-90.0)) ) *

fixed triangles(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius)
    fixed2 d = uv - center;
    return RS(-8.0, 0.0, d.x-radius) * (1.0-smoothstep( 7.0+d.x-radius,9.0+d.x-radius, abs(d.y)))
         + RS( 0.0, 8.0, d.x+radius) * (1.0-smoothstep( 7.0-d.x-radius,9.0-d.x-radius, abs(d.y)))
         + RS(-8.0, 0.0, d.y-radius) * (1.0-smoothstep( 7.0+d.y-radius,9.0+d.y-radius, abs(d.x)))
         + RS( 0.0, 8.0, d.y+radius) * (1.0-smoothstep( 7.0-d.y-radius,9.0-d.y-radius, abs(d.x)));

fixed _cross(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius)
    fixed2 d = uv - center;
    int x = int(d.x);
    int y = int(d.y);
    fixed r = sqrt( dot( d, d ) );
    if( (r<radius) && ( (x==y) || (x==-y) ) )
        return 1.0;
    else return 0.0;
fixed dots(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center, fixed radius)
    fixed2 d = uv - center;
    fixed r = sqrt( dot( d, d ) );
    if( r <= 2.5 )
        return 1.0;
    if( ( r<= radius) && ( (abs(d.y+0.5)<=1.0) && ( fmod(d.x+1.0, 50.0) < 2.0 ) ) )
        return 1.0;
    else if ( (abs(d.y+0.5)<=1.0) && ( r >= 50.0 ) && ( r < 115.0 ) )
        return 0.5;
        return 0.0;
fixed bip1(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center)
    return SMOOTH(length(uv - center),3.0);
fixed bip2(fixed2 uv, fixed2 center)
    fixed r = length(uv - center);
    fixed R = 8.0+fmod(87.0*_Time.y, 80.0);
    return (0.5-0.5*cos(30.0*_Time.y)) * SMOOTH(r,5.0)
        + SMOOTH(6.0,r)-SMOOTH(8.0,r)
        + smoothstep(max(8.0,R-20.0),R,r)-SMOOTH(R,r);

    VertexOutput vert (VertexInput v)
    VertexOutput o;
    o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.vertex);
    o.uv = v.uv;
    return o;
    fixed4 frag(VertexOutput i) : SV_Target
        fixed3 finalColor;
        fixed2 uv = i.uv;
        fixed2 c =1/2.0;
        finalColor = fixed3( 0.3*_cross(uv, c, 240.0) );
        finalColor += ( circle(uv, c, 100.0, 1.0)
                    + circle(uv, c, 165.0, 1.0) ) * blue1;
        finalColor += (circle(uv, c, 240.0, 2.0) );//+ dots(uv,c,240.0)) * blue4;
        finalColor += circle3(uv, c, 313.0, 4.0) * blue1;
        finalColor += triangles(uv, c, 315.0 + 30.0*sin(_Time.y)) * blue2;
        finalColor += movingLine(uv, c, 240.0) * blue3;
        finalColor += circle(uv, c, 10.0, 1.0) * blue3;
        finalColor += 0.7 * circle2(uv, c, 262.0, 1.0, 0.5+0.2*cos(_Time.y)) * blue3;
        if( length(uv-c) < 240.0 )
            //animate some bips with random movements
            fixed2 p = 130.0*MOV(1.3,1.0,1.0,1.4,3.0+0.1*_Time.y);
            finalColor += bip1(uv, c+p) * fixed3(1,1,1);
            p = 130.0*MOV(0.9,-1.1,1.7,0.8,-2.0+sin(0.1*_Time.y)+0.15*_Time.y);
            finalColor += bip1(uv, c+p) * fixed3(1,1,1);
            p = 50.0*MOV(1.54,1.7,1.37,1.8,sin(0.1*_Time.y+7.0)+0.2*_Time.y);
            finalColor += bip2(uv,c+p) * red;



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  • 关注

    数据格式错了,fixed2 是要二维的,你这个fixed2 c = 1/ 2.0; 改成 fixed c = 1/ 2.0




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